View Full Version : New Friends

28-03-09, 16:12
Hi, I am new here. I'm a 30 year old single guy. Been suffering with anxiety for a few years now. (mainly health anxiety)
I haven't been able to keep a girlfriend becasue of it and find it impossible to speak to anyone for fear of rejection.
I realise this isn't a dating site but if anyone would like to chat I would love to make some new friends. At least you can relate to what I'm going though.

Carla louise
02-08-09, 19:04
Hello, I would like to make male friends-and also female friends, but I have NO male friends and its starting to bug me, don't really get out to meet any, and the ones I do meet don't want to be just friends.

marge simpson
10-08-09, 03:33

i suffer frm health anxiety aswell, think about it all the time and noone understands, would be nice to talk to a bloke about it coz i dont no any who would admit t having anxiety (althow some may hav it on the sly) and i imagin ppl are a bit less sympathetic to u than to us girls.

where r u from?

clare xx:yesyes: