View Full Version : any way to calm my friend down?

05-08-05, 07:15
Well first of all, i'm new here. Hi. Let's get to the point.. Last year, a friend of mine was attacked. Every once in a while when I'm talking to her online, some things get her to think about it again and she panics. I can talk to her for an hour trying to calm her down, but it doesnt help much. I just wanted to know if there is any way that I can help her to calm her down when she starts to panic.

05-08-05, 07:47

You seem like a very caring friend which is just what your friend will need at a time like this to hopefully overcome her fears.

If you have never suffered with panic it must be difficult to understand just how bad your friend may be feeling....but Panic is a horrible feeling that over powers your whole body.

Do you know if your friend is recieving any help from her gp or any other help group ? This should be the first port of call and remember it can take many visits to get the help you really need.
Then It may be an idea to go thu some breathing techniques with her (in for 5, out for 8 slowly) or using a brown paper bag to breath in and out of when feeling panic.
Lastly, please pass on this web site to your friend as like many other members I have found talking to others who suffer like myself very comforting.


05-08-05, 07:51
Thanks for the great response mirry. I'm really not sure if shes getting any help for it. She tries the breathing stuff, but it doesnt work so well all of the time.

05-08-05, 08:09
hiya justin,
tell her its just her body's reaction to dealing with stress.. it is her body working too well! it will also pass.. she just needs to sit it out, accept whats happening to her wont hurt her or kill her and it will pass..
she could then distract herself any way she can. vacuuming, putting on a great music album, going shopping... something she enjoys..
and tell her to come on this website!!
good luck and well done for caring.. support is crucial.


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

05-08-05, 10:08
hi Justin,

I think your friend would benefit from some counselling. That's normally the best for people who are trying to get over a certain event in their lives..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-08-05, 13:54

If this is an ongoing occurrance she really would benefit from getting some professional help for this PTSD.

EMDR is looking good in trials. She can be referred by her doctor.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?