View Full Version : Just feeling a tad sorry for myself

28-03-09, 18:57
Don't post here often as my mh probs tended to take over and I post more on a bipolar site now.

Recently though, my mood swings and life events have taken me to anxiety levels that I have not known since I first started coming here about 3 years ago. It is scarey that it has been that long:huh:

I had forgotten how consuming it can be. I am absolutely exhausted by it and coping with it worse than I ever have, even though I know more now about anx than I have ever done.

Last night I went to bed in a terrible state. I need meds to knock me to sleep but even through them I was panicking. The second I woke up, it was there, waiting for me, ready to start another day. I had to take a diazepam which I hate doing. Then my husband had to take me for a big long drive and a walk along a beach which sometimes helps. A sleep in the middle of the day to take off the effect of the diazepam!

Now it is evening, I am in knots again. I am going to have to take a sleeping pill tonight on top of my other meds....more benzos.....and I just dread tomorrow.

I am just feeling sorry for myself. I had forgotten how hard it can be.


31-03-09, 20:56
Hun having these peaks and troughs of anxiety can be so hard can't they.

You just have to hold onto the fact it will pass and keep doing things like the long drive and walks on the beach till they do - sounds just the thing.

Hugs as always:hugs:
Piglet :flowers:

31-03-09, 21:04
Hi Happyone hope you are feeling better today? How lovely to be able to walk on the beach Sigh!!!!!You cant beat the smell of sea air.Beats pollution any day.Take care luv Sue:hugs: