View Full Version : Nausea and loss of appetite

28-03-09, 19:48
this past few weeks I have been struggling to eat more than a handful of food without feeling nausea set in. I'm a little bit worried about it as I've always been a good eater. I got weighed last week and found my BMI is underweight but I never worried about that before as I knew I was eating well, but now that my appetite has gone I'm starting to feel really sickly and unhealthy and as if something is wrong with me.

I also have a big bruise on my leg and obviously I'm thinking its leukaemia.

can anyone reassure?

29-03-09, 00:41
Ribbonbows, I have hardly eaten anything for the past two weeks due to anxiety and stress and I went from 13 1/2 stone to less than 12. My jeans don't really fit me any more. I was freaking about this big time, it caused me no end of extra stress.

My appetite came back yesterday and grew stronger today. I've put a bit of weight back on. In fact I've been a bit greedy today.

Your lack of appetite will be a temporary blip and it will kick-start itself again. What I would say is make sure if you ever ARE hungry, that you take advantage and get something down you. Don't squander it; eat something healthy like an apple, a banana, or better yet both. :)

Also avoid foods that make you feel nauseous such as fatty or greasy stuff, bacon sarnies etc. Try cornflakes and cold, watery food such as fresh carrots, salad etc. When your appetite starts to come back you should start to find you can tolerate greasy or heavy food again.

Believe me, you will be fine, it will return :D

29-03-09, 04:44
This a bad side effect of anxiety. Happens to me all the time. Sick to my stomach for no reason. I used to be so bad I dry heaved all the time. It's anxiety related, don't worry, you're fine. Go for a long hard run, or a swim, wait two hours, I bet you get hungry.

29-03-09, 09:16
This is me totaly. I get weeks of this, and then i can get some weeks when i can eat properly again.
Strange stomache pains and naussea, gives me loss of apetite.
What i have learned is that i need to try to eat something, it doesnt have to be much but a little. Smaller portions, maybe a couple a times a day.
Its not easy i know and i get even more anxiety when this starts.