View Full Version : Lumps in armpit

29-03-09, 00:38
Hey everyone for about the past two weeks i have had a couple tender lumps in my armpit. I am concerned as to what is causing this. Ive been getting these for the last 5 years. they usually go away with time but this time they have stayed for a while. Is this due to a reaction from the deoderant im using possibly? or is it something more serious you think?

29-03-09, 00:43
If it's something more serious the lumps probably wouldn't be painful or tender. Sounds like blocked sweat glands or a reaction. If you are worried I would definitely get a doctor to look at them for peace of mind -- but if you've got them on and off for 5 years it can't be anything major :)

29-03-09, 00:47
Hi Matt
Tender lumps in armpits could be swollen lymph glands, in reaction to an infection or virus - but it would be unusual to keep having them over 5 years. I would get them checked out by your doctor - they are probably harmless - but it is always best to get any unusual lumps checked out just to put your mind at rest.

29-03-09, 21:13
Hi Matt

It sounds as if it could be a swollen hair folical due to either an ingrowing hair and/or the use of deoderant.

I would go to see your Doctor to be on the safe side, as you may need a course of antibiotics.

Let us know how you get on. xxx

30-03-09, 10:36
Hi Matt

If it is lymph nodes then they can come up and down for loads of reasons that arent serious at all and just your immune system doing what its supposed to do.
