View Full Version : Having a panic attack =[

29-03-09, 00:41
I haven't had one in like...a month or so just anxiety and today after a really nice time I get a huge one. I feel really sick right now like Im going to pass out or stop breathing I also feel like throwing up..... I want all of this to just go away. and my attacks usually last for up to four hours sometimes. which means im not even half way through it. and last night i had a mild case of panic attack, which caused me to go to bed at 4am. Im 20 years old and have been suffering for about 7 months. The doctor said I have GAD and put me on lexapro and then that didnt help so I was given ativan and only take it when I need to, but i hate taking pills so I opp to do it the natural just let time heal all course and I just need some encourging words, maybe people who feel the same way some reassurance that im not going to die. Cause thats my biggest fear..why i get most of my panic attacks. I have a tingly right cheek and i feel super dizzy and fainty[is that a word lol?] anyways anyone who could help me out?:blush:

29-03-09, 00:46
Hi aveeava, sorry to hear you're feeling like crap. Panic attacks never killed anyone, they just made them feel bad for a while. The symptoms you described are typical and anyone who's ever had one will understand :D

You're fine, you won't be sick and you won't pass out, it will fade and then you won't even be able to remember what it felt like afterwards. Think about how it will feel when the panic attack has passed and the black clouds are blown away :)

29-03-09, 00:52
Thank you =] yeah it sucks when your in the attack but once its over its just like a big nice relief! ive been looking into getting a dog for agoraphobia, might be a big help for these panic attacks and fear of going places. Thank youfor your kind helpful words, i really do appreciate all the help and encouraging words I can get.

29-03-09, 02:10
No worries, lately I've been waking up with horrible panic attacks and I know how much it can help when you talk to someone who understands :D

PM me if you ever need reassurance :)

29-03-09, 02:24
thank you so much! you've helped me out a lot and ive been looking up stuff on service animals and other anxiety and panic attack help! and i might just take you up on the PM offer sometime, thank you so very much =]