View Full Version : Googled Again - Carotid Artery Dissection

29-03-09, 02:28
So my neck has been really swollen lately (have dr appt. thurs) and I'm pretty sure it's just a muscle strain so I was looking up Chiropractor information online and come across this article about how a chiropractor can cause a stroke with neck manipulation because it can crush the carotid artery.
So of course I stupidly look up symptoms of Carotid artery dissection, and find out that it can either happen from blunt trauma or injury to the neck or it can happen spontaneously... No causes at all. And the symptoms are headache (I have) neckpain (I also have) and uneven pupils (I also have, but have had for about 7 years, doctors can find no cause)
So of course I am now completely terrified that my carotid artery is torn and I am seconds away from dying. And it can take anywhere for a few minutes to a month for a stroke to happen.

I need some reassurance here, before I end up in the ER again.

29-03-09, 03:19
Hunny the worst thing you can do is google symptoms.