View Full Version : Hi

29-03-09, 03:13
Hi, my name is LeeAnne, I am a 26 year old mother of an eight year old lil girl and I am due with my second child, a son, on april 1st. i have OCD and Panic Attacks. I am deathly afraid of dying, and I have been obsessed about the birth of my second child to the point where i am already trying to "naturally" induce my labor already! I was not like this before i had my eight year old, I got like this after. it has become so noticeable to my family and friends, that they worry about me! and They take notice to alot of things. they are scared to come to my house and make a mess in fear that i will have a panic attack! is that even possible??

29-03-09, 13:55
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

29-03-09, 16:52
Hi LeeAnne,

Welcome to NMP. It is natural to be scared when you are about to give birth and your children are 8 yrs apart in age. Mine are 7 years apart so I can emphasize with you. I would not try to start labor though, let things come naturally because it will be easier for you and the baby. During my last week or so I focused not on the coming baby but on my other child because I knew that when the baby came he would be sort of feeling left out. I did my best to spend special time with him and it also helped me not focus on my anxieties. Even if you just stay home you can do activities together either for the newborn or something he/she wants to do as long as it is together. You are very blessed to be having another child and please try to relax and enjoy this one on one time with your other child. Do take care.

Laura xxx

29-03-09, 22:08
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

02-04-09, 08:24
Hi LeeAnne, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers: