View Full Version : Panic at moving on

05-08-05, 15:38
I'm new!
I have suffered with pani attacks for twenty years. I have been reading info on the site and it is so helpful, first time I feel understood!
I currently trying to move house, but am suffering the most awful panic attack. I am so worried that yet again this will stop me moving forward with my life.
Any advice

05-08-05, 15:51
Hi Hope,

I can totally understand where you are coming from. I moved house just over a week ago and ive suffered with anxiety & despresseion, but the build up to the move bought on a full blown panic attack - so i compleatly know how you are feeling.

For me, the move has been the best thing ive EVER done - my quality of life has improved so much & my general mode has changed. I had a panic attack on the day of the move aslo, but I didnt let it beat me.

These are my 2 posts abut it:

My First Panic Attack (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4434)

My Move !! Im Back!!- Lots of Updates!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4596)

Is it just yourself moving house or a partner as well?

Tatty B xx

05-08-05, 16:11
Hope ,

Both being understood and understanding yourself what panic is all about are the most vital components of moving forward .

Keep reading the site - there are lots of pages and 1000's of messages and ask if you can't find an answer to your particular situation..

We're here to help. Hope the move goes well.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-08-05, 17:47
Good luck with the move!! Try to take things slowly..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-08-05, 18:44
Hi Hope,

hope the move goes ok, it is a very stressfull time moving house, and im sure you will settle down once you have got the move out of the way.
keep positive think of it as a new start in a new house without panics,
Good luck

take care

kairen x

05-08-05, 19:25

Welcome aboard the forum.

I hope the other posts that Tatty made have helped to reassure you.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-08-05, 19:32
Hi Hope

Welcome to the forum.

I hope the house move goes ok.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-08-05, 20:51
Hi Hope

Welcome to the forum. Tatty has just moved so she will be able to give you some great advice.

It could be just the new start you need and i wish you the best of luck with it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

06-08-05, 17:05
Thank you so much for all the messages, they really help. I feel calmer today and just trying to take one day at a time

Hope x

07-08-05, 08:38
I've woken up this morning feeling dreadful. It's that early morning panic that really gets me, cos I can't control what I'm thinking in my sleep. I woke up thinking I can' do this. I don't want to do this, I just want to stay where I am. Today we are meant to be siginng papers for the bank and solicitor and tomorrow I have to agree to the offer I have to sell my house. It all feels too too much. I spoke to my partner last night and upset him, because I am being doubtful again. We haven't lived together before and we are moving to a new area and all I can think of is the negetive things. I hate myself for this. I just want to be one of those people who just does things and doesn't panic.
Sorry for going on, but it does help to get it out in the open, so does the other postings on the forum. I keep reading Tatty Bears postings and they do help.
Hope x

07-08-05, 12:10
Morning Hope,

I really do hope that you are feeling a bit better now.

You are embarking on a whole new life... You mention that you are moving in with your partner for the 1st time, which I have to say is a big step in it's self. Another is moving into a completely new area is another.

I'm glad your reading Tatty B's post...she has been through a move lately herself and had coped really well.

All I can say is take one day at a time.....think on the positive.
A new move=a new start.

Take care honey. Good luck with all you do 2moro, hope it goes all ok.

with good wishes


08-08-05, 09:57
Hi Zena
Thanks for your post.
I didn't have a good day yesterday. I argued with my partner and said I just coudn't do this. Although he understands, he is begining to loose patience with me. I was awake at 3 this morning, panicking and it has just got worse. I have dragged myself to work, but can't concentrate at all. I just want to run away.

08-08-05, 10:30
hi Hope,

Sorry to hear about your bad night!! Hopefully, things will settle down and all will go back to normal.Try your best to relax at work and keep busy..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-08-05, 10:33
Thanks Sarah
These messgaes really do help.
I just wish I could control the physicl symptoms and I could be rational about it all.

08-08-05, 14:22
Hi Hope,

It is natural to have negative thoughts and doubts about this kind of thing, moving house is one of the most stressful things anyone has to go through, it just hits us that litle bit harder because of our anxiety & panic.

Im glad my posts have helped you - belive me, I had many moment swhere I doubted if i was doing the right thing, although I kept these thoughts to myself. It is hard to get rid of the negative thoughts and think positivly, but please try to do so.

I never imagined I could love living where I am as much as I do - I dont miss anything about my old house , and looking back, because we didnt have a garden, I think this really contrbuted to my depression.

I really am on the way up now and although movig house is a big thing - somtimes it really is for the best.

The move caused me to have my first panic attack which was out of the blue a week before we moved, and on the day of the move I also suffered one, bu with the help & support of my family, fiance and poeple on here, I managed to deal with it and had loads to focus on to take my mind off it.

YOu will get through it - at times it will feel hard, but you CAN do it.

Tatty B xx

08-08-05, 14:30
Hi Tatty B
Thank you for your message, it really does help. I was feeling alot more positive on Friday, but I wasn' well on Saturday, and with my defences down the negetive thoughts crept in. It's like a little hole in a damn, once you let a little drop in, all the water comes crashing down on you, until there are no more psostive thoughts left. I hate being like it. I'm at work at the moment and everything is a blur. I'm going to see my GP tonight, she is usually really good and it feels like another lifeline that helps.
I am so glad that you are happily settled and I'll take it as inspiration!
thank you!

08-08-05, 14:39
Ah thats really sweet hope... If my posts helped in anyway than thats great.

I know what you mean - its like a big downward spiral, once one negative though appears...then they keep on coming.

It will do you good to see your doc and chat things through.

Let me know how you get on.

Take Care

Tatty B xx