View Full Version : Strange on and off stuff

29-03-09, 13:42
Hi, I'm new here. I'm 17 years old and have some health worries :(

Lately I have been getting very strange effects in the last month. When this all started, one night I had a very horrible light headed feeling when lying down and trying to go to sleep (it would only happen when I shut my eyes) and as I got more worried, it appears that I got the shakes and couldn't get to sleep due to fear. For the next week I was fine, and then the week after that, it happened again, but not as bad.

About a week after that, nausea started. This only lasted a couple of days and went away again for another couple of weeks. Last week, I started getting nausea again and the weird feelings while trying to go to sleep. This weekend, I had a horrible night and I got the shakes and all, but I got up, had a read of some stuff on the net and the shakes magically went away (as did my "cold feeling").. Anyway, now I'm obsessing over various strange things (like my jerking at night which I found out was normal anyway) and now I think I'm getting a brain tumor or something :(. Worst of all, I can't get to a doctor soon, and my parents reckon they wouldn't do tests without enough evidence of there being something wrong anyway. Another thing is that a lot of the symptoms seem to disappear when I concentrate on something else, but come back when I think about it. I dread going to bed now, because of the horrible feelings I get not long after I shut my eyes.

While I'm probably worrying over nothing, I need assurance :(. These random occurrences and various symptoms have occured over the last few weeks and have mostly been following a pattern of having a week with problems, then a week without, but I can't pinpoint why this would be happening. This has been going on for several weeks now, and mum assures me that if it were something bad, it would probably have done something by now, but I can't help feeling it's a brain tumor or something like that :(. Apparently it is possible for your brain to make stuff like this up, but it all feels so real :(

29-03-09, 20:47
Yeah, it's hard not to panic. Someone even told me that is could just be tv fact that I'm going through puberty and it's completely nomal for some people I get symptoms like this, but I didn't believe them.