View Full Version : Am I worrying too much?

29-03-09, 14:15
On Friday I had blood tests taken, 4 pots of it!! One of them was to test my ESR, that was done their at the surgery, it came back normal.

My worry is the others were sent to the lab for testing, but don't know what for?! I suppose I should be happy that the ESR is normal, but I'm sat here worried about the other ones, scared that something might be wrong : (

I am getting panicky.

29-03-09, 15:12
They usually take at least 3 little tubes of it from me so it seems like they need a reasonable amount to do their tests on, that's all.

29-03-09, 15:13
Please dont worry, it was probably a white blood count and a red blood count that is usually done after a surgery and any other routine procedure. I can tell you that if there was something wrong you would have know when the other blood draw was done because those counts only take about 20 min in a good lab. Take care of yourself and try not to worry.

29-03-09, 15:23
Call the NHS helpline, they are very helpful and I am sure they will reassure you that its perfectly normal for that amount to be taken...

29-03-09, 15:40
I am trying not to worry and feel reasurred that the ESR was normal, i think this covers lots of different things,just can't get it out if my head that something is wrong. I think I am worrying because I don't know what else they are testing. I know that tests done for anemia and thyroid are done, but not sure what else. I feel so down : (

29-03-09, 16:20
When you go to your GP for a test, they make the most out of it and screen you for everything. I had 6 tubes once just to make sure my anxiety was not causd by anything physical!

29-03-09, 22:26
Yeah I guess the answer is Yes I am worrying to much!!! I get things stuck in my head about 'what if' I know I can't live my life like that, but unfortunately I do.

Waiting is now the only killer for me, as I won't know my result until next Friday! Be calm.....breathe!!!