View Full Version : Undecided

29-03-09, 16:45
I'll give you a bit of backstory first:

I'm 17, and have had maybe 8 or 9 panic attacks in a 6 year period. My latest was New Year's Eve 08, and prior to that, was June 07. But my most recent anxiety attack has left me pretty much crippled. I found it incredibly difficult to go to college, or walk to my boyfriend's house, or get in the car. I was perscribed 40mg of Propranolol twice daily, which has helped slightly with the physical symptoms, but not the constant very frightening anxiety.
It drives me crazy, I feel on edge or just out of it near constantly, always checking my breathing or how I'm feeling.
So we rang up the doctor, and went looking for anti deps or information about them. Because I'm under 18, the NHS has to get a Psych to perscribe them to me. So I have my appointment next week with a "Doctor Daniel" (¬_¬) and I'm nervous as hell. I'm gonna give it to him straight, about how I generally can't stand myself, I can't be anywhere alone, I find it hard to concentrate in class, I constantly feel tired, etc etc.
But from what I've seen on here, Citalopram (What I'm most likely to be perscribed?) sucks. Everyone's saying how horrible it is :(

So I dunno whether to take these when I get them or not. Anyone have any experiences?

29-03-09, 19:32
We like bitching about citalopram but there are a number of people here who say it helps once your body gets used to it. Personally I would only go on it if you really need to. It doesn't mess around, it is quite strong. Do discuss it with your psychologist though -- he or she should be able to get you sorted with a course of treatment, either medical or counselling, that should help. :)

Talking therapy has always helped me and I wish I'd contacted a local CBT therapist before my anxiety got out of control. However it is my tenth day on citalopram and the side effects do seem to be abating slightly. Remember that antidepressants are only one way of fighting back. The only way to cure yourself is to "feel the fear and do it anyway".

Good luck :)

29-03-09, 20:06
Hi there,

Ive been on citalopram for about 2 weeks so far, i'm yet to have any good effects as it's still early days, but as for side effects ive hardly had any, and the ones i have had are definatly worth putting up with if it gets rid of the anxiety! For the fist week i had very slight nausea which is now gone, i find i get hot quite a lot, where as before i was always cold, and a bad headache which at one point made my face go numb and tingley for about 20 minutes. Dosn't sound nice, but honestly not bad at all!

If the doctor thinks you're alright to take them at 17, i would definatly give them ago at least.

Good luck

29-03-09, 20:29

Firstly please remember people only often would come on here to write about the negatives of Cit or to ask opinions on the side effects so you will always see more negs than positives. Its like when you try to look up a review on a holiday or something, most are negatives because you would have to feel pretty strongly about something to bother to write about it. Those that are happy just get on with it and are better equipped to do so because their meds are working.

There are many people I have come across that are doing well on Cit (including me)...and I bet you the reason they arent posting about it everyday is because finally they are able to get on with life and maybe dont need to be here so much.

We are all different, what works for me might not work for you...on the other hand it may work even better for you than it has for me. You must do whats right for you, eg I wouldnt dismiss a holiday destination because someone else said they didnt like it, I would want to find out what it was like for myself, and what doesnt rock their boat may have mine swaying! get my drift?

Only 1 way to find out.....
