View Full Version : black stuff in phlegm!

29-03-09, 17:07
Okay..what is that? I just coughed up a little bit of phlegm and passed it into a handkerchief and it had black stuff in it..like literally jet black.

Oh my God.Is that blood? like dried blood or something?

I don't smoke,I never have and I have asthma.

I have had it before in my nose and it freaks me out.

I'm not gonna google..I swear but someone please help.

Can this happen? What is it?

:'( :'( I feel crap as it is..don't want more stuff :'( :'(

Amy xx

29-03-09, 21:13
Ive had similar things when i've been somewhere particularly dusty and have breathed the dust/dirt in. Could it be that?

29-03-09, 22:04
Maybe,I do not know. :'(

Thankyou for the reply love.


29-03-09, 22:42
Yep I have had this when I have been in a dusty place but it doens't show itself until days later which is freaky as you forget what might have caused it.

29-03-09, 22:57
hmm okays.. thanks you two.

I've had it in my nose before but as usual,I'm starting to freak cos one of my nostrils feel kinda blocked so now I'm thinking lumps in my nose.

Goodness me. Friggin anxiety...take a holiday or something and leave me alone!
