View Full Version : Freaked out by a lot of symptoms

29-03-09, 17:57

Over the past couple of weeks Ive been freaked out and anxious about a couple of symptoms I have been having. All my friends call me a hypochondriac but I think I have ligament symptoms.

Anyway for around 4 weeks or so the back of my head and nostrils have been extremely itchy. Also I broke out in hives about 2 weeks ago and had them for a couple of days. I also seem to be forgetting things a lot. I have been having random muscle twitches on my face, legs, stomach, and arms. I have quite a few floaters in each eye that are bothersome including one dark floater. I have double vision when looking far to the left and just this week I went and saw a 3D movie and only like half of the images were in 3D ( everyone was screaming and dodging images and I couldn't see them in 3D) and I felt like I had trouble focusing my eyes on what was going on.

I don't really know what could be wrong, but thoughts of a brain tumor, cancer, a magnesium deficiency, or just anxiety have crossed my mind. I'm really freaked out. Any help would be great. btw about 10 months ago I had a MRI that came back normal, but I can't help thinking that it was too long ago or the doctors made a mistake.

30-03-09, 00:42
It doesn't sound like they made a mistake; your symptoms sound like they could simply be related to stress or anxiety (itchiness, skin reaction, tired eyes). You should go and have an eye test just for your own peace of mind but the floaters are probably nothing to worry about. Also not everyone can actually see in 3D so that doesn't mean anything.

Hope this helps. :)