View Full Version : Sciatica

29-03-09, 18:58
Hi Everyone.....

Haven't visited here in a while! which is a good thing, but something always seems to make it rear it's ugly head once more.

Just before New year i did something to my back stepping out the shower. Went to doctor who said i'd trapped a nerve, the next few weeks it would come and go, but there was always a niggle there. It is now constantly on the right side, sometimes lower back pain but always a tight pull in the buttock going down my leg to just above the knee. Have visited the doctor again who now say's i have sciatica and has refered me for physio. Well as you know with HA after nearly 3 months of this i am slowly starting to convince myself i have something dreadful and with Jade Goody im in a bit of a state. I really just want to know does this sound like Sciatica? can it go on for months? is lower back pain common with it? and iv'e had a lot of groin pain with it also, like an ache or pull...is this normal? I also suffer with IBS which i can get back pain with and pain under the ribs like trapped wind and im constantly going for a wee which i don't normally do. a combination of the two is driving me mad, please anyone out there that has or has had this reply to my thread and let me know if this symptoms are all mormal.

Thankyou very much for reading. sorry it was long.

Mandy :blush:

Pink Panic
29-03-09, 19:10
Hi Mandy,

I have had sciatica and your syptoms sound very similar to what mine were hun.
Physio will really help things and ease your pain as will painkillers.
Try not to think of it being anything else than what it is, yes it's painful but it will get better and it's not anything sinister. :hugs:

Yes it can go on for ages unfortunately but hopefully you will get your physio appointment soon and if not then get your Doc to try and push it through quicker by letting him know how bad you feeling..... it might not work but, it's worth a try if you are in pain.

Hope things ease up for you soon.


29-03-09, 19:18
I too suffered with this for months,the first time i had 6 sessions of physio which was really helpful.You will be given exercises to do at home&for it to be of benefit you must do them.The second time i went to an osteopath privately and after 3 sessions the problem was sorted.You have my sympathy its very debilitating and painful.ALL THE BEST Suex