View Full Version : COMIN OFF

29-03-09, 20:14
Hey jist came off cipralex 20mg in2 ma 2nd week grrrr:lac: side effects r horrendous been on anti- deps for over 20 years docs gave me 2 weeks to come off them up n down cryin angry dizzy argumentitive electric shocks in ma head please can anyone tell me how longs this will last a jist wannae b drug free n anxiety free oooopppss soz the names elaine am goin on a bit :weep: :weep: x

29-03-09, 22:02
Hi Elaine and welcome to NMP

I have never taken Cipralex so can't comment on the withdrawl sympotms, but maybe it will be worth going back to see your GP.

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

29-03-09, 22:06
hi madelaine.i myself am in the process of trying to come off citalapram,theniuse to be on 60mg and then went down to 40mg i kinda just stopped taking them one day and its een about two weeks ive had the odd 20mg pill wen i feel not quite right. usualy within 3days of me not taking them im an absolute mess, sometimes i think the withdrawls are worse then the depression i first started with. ive been having days were i feel so angry over the slightest thing even down to the way my partner eats haha. the head jolts are so wierd to explain i thought i was going crazy but after looing on here i see its normal. im hoping this is it now, im coming off them to go bk to being just me. does anyone else pass out wen they get anxiety attacks? i pass out and throw up at the same time.

29-03-09, 23:57
thanx michelle n sunshine lady for replyin a feel as if a m losin wots around me wen ave took panic attacks av neva passedout but feel to ma knees n been sick thats normal after a panic attack not takin one since comin off pills jist the side effects which a can tell u are a million times worse than the attacks av been cryin all nite but 2moro anotha day lets hope its better
thanx again girls take care xx;-]

30-03-09, 10:26
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

30-03-09, 15:29
Hi Madelaine,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support. Sorry, I have never been on that medication so I can not offer any advice, hope you are feeling better soon.

Take care,


30-03-09, 18:11
Hi. I have been on citalopram for 7 years. i kept forgetting to take them so, 2 weeks ago, I decided to stop altogether. All I can say is 'thank you' to No More Panic. I have been having all the symptoms(head wooshes, nausea, icky tummy etc) and feel really yucky. if it wasn't for this website I wouldn't have known that these symptoms were 'normal' I can't wait to feel better but for now I will continue bursting into tears and snapping at my husband and children. i know one day I will look back and know I did the right thing.

30-03-09, 18:36

Welcome to the site I think you will get alot of good advice and support on here. I hope things improve for you soon.

Take care


04-04-09, 00:00
i dont no how a woodve got thro the last cpl of weeks without my partner hes bn fab n no more panic u no that theres people out there sufferin the same which is so unfair but makes us better people for findin the strength to get the help n support one one day we will be anxiety free

04-04-09, 00:06
:whistles: grrrr cant sleep same every nite:wacko: any drug free suggestions are welcome:yesyes: