View Full Version : Smear test worries again :(

29-03-09, 23:46
I have been waiting for my repeat smear test results for a month now. My previous test showed borderline abnormalities and it took 2 months to get sent to me. I have heard a few people say that you generally get a fast response if there are worrying results.... Im scared my second results (six months after first) will be worse...does anyone in the UK know how fast that usually is if the results are bad? Im really freaking out, and I want some hope that Im out of the danger zone as my head is imagining all kinds of things. Do you think they would have sent the results by now if there was any cause for panic?

30-03-09, 09:23
It is my first time of posting here but just wanted to say that I had a routine smear last year and was told the results would take up to 6 weeks to come through. After 4 weeks of waiting I had had enough and phoned the practice nurse to see if the results had come through - she told me that the fact the results had not come through yet was a very good thing as it indictated nothing was wrong. She said that if there was a problem, the results are fast tracked and come back very quickly. Hope this helps

30-03-09, 12:47
I'm also waiting on smear results(my first one) and the fact tht last week I went to another doctor at the sexual health clinic for examiniations and they discovered an ulcer on my cervix has my mind in overdrive.

I'm gonna take comfort in this in that I haven't heard back yet


30-03-09, 12:58
my friend heard back in 3 weeks when her 2nd result was still abnormal 2 weeks later she was at the hospital and treated x

30-03-09, 13:27
its just annoying that they say they fast track smear test results that show abnormalities.... therefore they must do all tests fast so they can prioritise fast responses to those abnormal results.... which means all this waiting and more than likely, my results are just sat in a tray somewhere waiting to be posted. there should be a number you can call to get your results without the hassle of waiting for them to be recieved in the post. would cut out a lot of unnecessary panic.i called my gp to ask and they said if all comes back clear they wont even bother posting a letter... so now i dont know whether there were no probs showing or im still waiting for a letter to tell me about abnormalities... without repeatedly calling my doctor.... grrrr!

30-03-09, 15:28
Hey dolly, *hugs*

I'm in the same boat.. I'm freaking about my results muchly..

I just dunno what to do in meantime..so many results pending :;(

Why do they take so bloody long!?

30-03-09, 20:07
I'm a practice nurse and have been advising all patients who have attended for smears, that there is an increased time in how long they will have to wait for their results at the moment, this is due to the increased amount of people coming in for smears in what we are calling the Jade Goodie effect. Dont worry they will arrive, but next time if you ask your nurse to write very anxious pleasse hurry results the Cytology Lab usually does.

Hope of help. xx

30-03-09, 20:38
Hmmm I'm gonna take note of that sweety thanks.. My GP said it would take about 4 weeks but it's too long.

I am feeling really anxious


30-03-09, 22:44
It wouldnt have bothered me if the first one hadnt shown borderline abnormalities..... that combined with the jade goody business has freaked me right out.... have it in my head it could have gone from borderline to carcinoma in situ in 5 months..... i hate fear, its preventing me from living. i feel like a spectator on my own life x

30-03-09, 22:57
The borderline test is exactly what it says - i.e. borderline. These results usually correct themselves over six months... if it had been more than borderline - you would have been treated at the time - I know this as it happened to me - twice. If they had thought there was a possiblity that it could go to carcinoma in situ (and that's stage IV) - your test result would have been more than borderline 5 months ago.... Fortunately, cervical cancer is a slow progression - Jade Goody (which is the situation that's freaking us all out) would have had hers for a while (a good long while - like 3/4 years or more).

The very worst you could expect is stage 2 or maybe 3 - which is still just cell changes - not carcinoma in situ or cancer itself. If you had those, because your previous test was borderline, I am almost certain you would know by now.

I saw my gynaecologist on Friday of last week for my six-monthly smear (I have had major problems in that department) and she explained that Jade Goody probably contracted her HPV quite early - and because of the higher age for compulsory smear testing - it could well have been there causing problems for a good deal of time.

They do six monthly checks for a reason ..... because it cannot get out of hand in that time... because it progresses slowly - and the chances are you had small changes in the cells and they have gone back to normal - as happens in most cases.

I have so much sympathy - the waiting is horrendous - I now have to wait for mine too and I am sweating a bit too (well, alot) - but I have them every six months now because I have to....and my gynae tells me that not much can change in six months (for the worse that is)... so don't panic it's HIGHLY unlikely that it's carcinoma in situ, it really is.

31-03-09, 01:19
thank you so much bex... i know its all stuff that should stop me being paranoid. i think i only initially freaked because i got the borderline results the day i came back from scattering my mums ashes after her dying of cancer. i know its irrational. i panicked so much when i got the first lot of results i caused health probs that im still trying to rectify.... and now im scared excessive and relentless stress i put myself under could have caused my cells to have turned cancerous. that sounds silly in itself i know, but due to the fact i study nutrition and health, i know that there are many connections. im so glad you have put my mind at rest as i was feeling another bout of panic creeping up on me. you have helped me so much and i cannot thank you enough for your reassurance. tonight i will sleep more soundly xxx

31-03-09, 10:37
Poor, poor you - I think all of us HA sufferers have had someone close to us die of something horrendous.... I'm sure it's part of why we suffer from it.... I know that stress and suffering can affect our health but honestly, it's unlikely to do it that fast!
Let me know when you get your results - but don't panic in the meantime.... because even with the passing of five months, your results will NOT be sinister. I'm glad I helped a bit.... I've had mass experience in this area, so it's one thing I'm relatively knowledgeable about - not that it doesn't scare me too but I know that if we are vigilant about smear tests, cervical cancer can be prevented - way before it ever gets to a worrying stage and six monthly checks are one way of doing that.