View Full Version : Back in Pain below shoulders

06-08-05, 03:45
Tonight I had a tight achy feeling in my upper back. It subsided about 5 minutes later. I got a little excited but nothing extreme. Well later this evening I went to pick up my daughter from work and I had the same feelings, I instantly panicked and got the runs terribly and of course began with the mind trying to figure out what wrong. Thoughts were
lungs collapsing, gallbladder attack, kidney failure. I am back into a bad spot again with the instant pain is instant irrational thoughts and instantly petrified that I need to go to the hospital something is seriously wrong at that moment. I was honestly doing well for a while and hate that I am in the wrong direction. My muscles in my neck and face are so tight it is a wonder I can smile. I think my back could be because of a pilates class I did 2 days ago. I am not having pain at this moment but am alarmed that it might come back. Right now in Canada it is 10:45 which is almost bed time and well everyone that panics knows it is not nice to have stuff like this before bed.

Thanks for reading my message.


06-08-05, 10:08
**I am back into a bad spot again with the instant pain is instant irrational thoughts**

Thats great progress TT to now recognise that it is these instant irrational thoughts which are causing the panic.. also now you are now moving on from the extreme ' drop dead now ideas ' quite quickly to thinking more rationally about what it might be realistically that is causing your back pain...

Both pilates and very tense facial muscles could be the major contributory factors - so what can you do to try to ease it ?

Also **lung collapsing, gallbladder attack, kidney failure** none of these are instantly fatal so you have time on your hands to think and work out logically what may be the issue and if it persists or gets worse to seek advice.

When you get one another time try to make your first thoughts, I'm still standing and walking, still breathing and still thinking so I am ok right now. Then take some calming breaths and consider all the options ..

I hope you got some sleep.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-08-05, 14:27
Thanks Meg,
Your right, I have to realize it is my thoughts that make me that way. I do try to tell me self, if it serious, I need to be calm for my body to help out. The more panic the more signs it masks and the longer it would take to get the problem. A little back to afraid of the unknown.
The words you wrote about having time to do something about it, I need to accept the fact that there is healthcare providers out there and be confident they can help.
It maybe a mystery to me, but straight forward for them.
I took a lorazapan and went to bed.

Thanks again,


06-08-05, 15:10
Glad to hear you're feeling calmer about it :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-08-05, 18:27

I have had upper back pain for 8 months now. It started as a pulled muscle when I was skipping. It has never gone completely and I always think its something to do with my heart lungs etc. The more I think like that, the more the pain comes. It makes me so panicky I begin the think all sorts.

However when I do get it now there is always a reason.. I might of carried my daughter to bed, lifted something which will bring the pain back.

The doctor told me to relax because the more anxious I am the worse the pain. Today for the first time in ages I only have a slight twinge on my back. I feel more relaxed, less anxious, so less pain.

It probably was the pilates, but of course panicking, has made the pain worse. I wish I could give you advice, but I can help myself with it at the moment.

Good luck x