View Full Version : Ovulation pain or something worse ! - Ladies please

30-03-09, 08:54
I had my first child in december 08, and also have polycystic ovary syndrome. Prior to having baby i would have a period once in a blue moon, maybe 5 or six periods a year. Anyway since having baby i have had 3 periods in row, no period pain just appeared and were normal which have taken me by surprise. I had an internal and external ultrasound in december, surely this would have shown anything up ?
It is now day 18 of this cycle and for the last 2 days i have been experiencing period pains in my tummy. Someone said this could be ovulation pain but i have never had it before. I am worried its something more and as my periods have never been regular i do not know when i would ovulate.
I would be grateful if anyone could give me some advice.

30-03-09, 09:26
I have a fairly regular cycle and always get ovulation pains - they feel very much like period pains to the point where I often think my period is about to start. I also often get a pain from either one of my ovaries when ovulating. By the way, I very rarely get any period pain at all when my period actually comes!!

Pink Panic
30-03-09, 09:37
I'm the same in that I have a regular cycle and get ovulation pain and not period pain.

Your menstraul cycle might still be settling down after the birth of your baby hun so perhaps that's the problem. I would go back to your Docs if your worried and let them know what's happening.

By the way Congrats with the Baby. :yesyes: :hugs:
