View Full Version : New Here...Anxiety & Depression & ED

30-03-09, 09:32
Hi my name is Charlotte and I am 27.

I have always had issue's with food but never really confirmed in my own mind that I had an ED (but I now know otherwise) to be honest I am not really sure when the Depression or Anxiety really started...i think about 6 months ago it really kicked in, I went to the doctors and he had presicribed an AD which I took twice and then stopped howevver about 6 weeks ago I started feeling quite bad with chest pains and sickness and that was when the anxiety took a real hold....I am currently taking 10mg Cipralex along with Beta Blockers (proponal). Since the Anxiety kicked in I have lost over a stone in less than a month, at first I think this was down to the anxiety and being unable to eat however now i just cant eat, I am not sure if i am controlling this or if I am just not hungry, However I do know that it s part of my ED as if I do eat I was making myself sick after, until the throat infection and mouth ulcers started.

Now though I know I am getting worse as I have started using Laxatives, I know this is really bad for me and every day I say this will be my last day on them....BUT I cant stop....if I eat the guilt is so bad I just have to take the laxatives, My doctor is not aware that i take these laxatives and neither is anyone else.

I dont sleep well, even with the tablets and I have been signed off work for the last 4 weeks....not sure whre to go to next or what to do anymore....Sometimes I do wish that I was dead as it would make mylife, my husbands life and my little girls life easier. The only thing that keeps me here is knowing the pain that I will cause them initially. :weep: I do love them all so much

Anyway thanks for such a great Forum and hopefully I may start to accpt things :weep:

I also forgot to mention that I Hit myself...I know this is stupid but when I cant cope or get angry, or agitated I punch / slap my head really hard. Again the Dr nor my Hubby does not know this.


30-03-09, 14:53
Hi Charlotte,

Welcome to NMP. You need to let your husband and doctor know what you are doing to yourself or you will not get any better. I also suggest counseling as I think it would be extremely beneficial. I hope that during the 4 weeks off of work that you take this time to try to improve the way you feel about yourself because I think that all of this is destructive behavior possibly due to low self-esteem. You will definately get support here.

Take care,


30-03-09, 17:19
Hi there and 937 to the site, lots of good advice and support here, i'm sure there are folks here that can really help you with this ,take care now xx

30-03-09, 22:51
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

02-04-09, 08:35
Hi Charlotte, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

02-04-09, 09:16
dear Charlotte,

I'm glad you joined

you are in a good place with good people