View Full Version : dizzy

30-03-09, 10:14
any one get random dizziness like feeling off balance and you have to quickly sit down feels really strange and dont have to be feeling anixios either just seems to happen.xx

30-03-09, 11:16
It could be your blood pressure but I also had dizziness with axiety for about 2 years!

30-03-09, 16:19
Hi Rossi

Yes I get the strange dizzy feeling, not exactly spinning though, just off balance and the weird eye thing when you don't feel things are focused how they should be, slightly pulled one way or something. It almost pulls me over sometimes and I have to stand with my feet and legs rigid so as not to fall over. I had a spell of this just after lunch today at work and I couldn't look at my screen for a while because I just felt odd. You can't even call it dizziness really, it's just a head feeling and balance thing that goes right through you and you feel out of control of your body. Horrid!!


30-03-09, 16:27
thats it fran os weird you feel like you have to hold on to something somtimes they are worse somtimes there just litttle sensations im sure is this aniexty driving me nuts.xx

30-03-09, 16:31
Yep, that's it exactly. Have to say I'm am quite relieved because I thought it was a balance problem maybe neck or ears or something. I get the small ones too and you think, hmm, was it, is a big one coming. I have had them last a few hours but that is rare, normally anything from seconds to about an hour is normal for me. I'm off now but I'll check this thread again tomorrow with interest.


30-03-09, 21:58
Hi guys, I have had similar feelings to this for last 4 weeks. I am really frightened at the moment in a state of complete shutdown as I am so terrified I have a serious longlasting problem. My doc says its anxiety, but its hard to believe my mind can do this to me. I get waves of wierd dizzy type feelings all day long. I feel sick, but I have a phobia of vomiting so I always feel sick when I am anxious as I fear ay ilness will make me sick. I would be greatful for anybody dizzy experiences as I am so low at the moment. Does your dizziness make you vomit? What have you done to get rid of it? Any help would be great. Thanks x

30-03-09, 22:14
yup! mine is due to low blood pressure - was worse when i first started on effexor and every now and then it comes back eg if i stand up quickly.

Just get used to taking things a bit slower sometimes...