View Full Version : "Have to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time..."

30-03-09, 14:12
Hey all,

Just thought I would spread a bit of hope out there as I am having a particularly good day today and wanted to share it!

I am on day 7 of my Citalopram 20mg and have found that my side effects have lessened greatly. I actually managed to relax properly today for the first time in months and months, and it felt great! My shoulders relaxed down from around my ears and I have found my ability to laugh at things has returned with a passion.

Don't get me wrong, and this isn't me being negative, just realistic, but I am not expecting this to be me cured, and I am sure there will be a backlash at some point, but for now I am so pleased, and seeing this as the break in the clouds that shows me what I am in for when I have finished my counselling and the tablets properly start to do their thing.

I have been to see my counsellor this morning and I have had a coffee and a panini (pepporni - absolutely delicious!) and bought myself a load of healthy food to start sorting out my diet and see if that helps, too. The farm shop I went to is great as they have the goats they use for the milk outside so you can stroke them, I touched one today and it looked at me all cross, went 'Meeeeh!' and shook it's head! I don't think it was impressed!

I have also bought myself a particularly pretty narcissus plant which is going on the windowsill next to my bed so I can see it every morning when I wake up. :flowers:

Anyway, the point of this post is to tell anyone who is suffering with Citalopram side effects that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as I am beginning to see it now. Even if it only seems like a pin-prick in the distance, you will get closer to it every day. Really enjoy those moments where you start to feel like your old self again, and remember, if you are having a rough day just come on here; there are so many people to help you.

Take care all, hope this post has cheered you up!

Best wishes and hugs :bighug1:

Danny xxx

Hereford Al
30-03-09, 14:19
Excellent post that, Danny. I'm on day 7 too....*Touch Wood* the side effects have not been THAT bad but I know it will take another week or two before I start feeling more with it.

I long for the day when I can wake up in the morning and not have that surge of adrenaline flood my body when I open my eyes. Then I long for the day when I can go on a busy bus or stand in a busy queue and not feel anxious. Then I long for the day when I can go back to working the job I love since I have been off for so long and return to being the office joker/clown always taking the p**s out of everything to improve office morale.

eternally optimistic
30-03-09, 15:44
Thats a great post Danny.

I can relate to all of what you've said.

Long may it continue for you.

I was on citalopram for about 14 months and every month it brought something else more positive - time to reflect and become me again.

Good luck for the future.

30-03-09, 16:48
Nice one Danny, good to hear yet another victory for the No More Panic posse :D

Isn't it wonderful when you realise the citalopram is actually working and the side effects are starting to fade!!

30-03-09, 22:43
Its been a rocky road but I have to also say that now I believe I am getting stronger little by little everyday :yahoo:

OMG I'm going to do something tomorrow that I'm nervous about but at the same time so excited! I'm going to mark the changes in me with a new hairstyle!

31-03-09, 00:04
Hereford Al: The day when you wake up and don't get that surge is coming, I am sure of it! Today was my first day like that, and I think it may have something to do with the fact I woke up to an alarm. I know that might sound daft, but maybe it is because I woke up before the Citalopram-induced adrenalin kicked in. I have got a hospital trip tomorrow so I have to be up at 7, so I will let you know if I wake up panicky or not, and put the alarm theory to the test! Also, someone in another thread recommended keeping biscuits by your bedside table to eat first thing as it can sometimes be low blood suagr levels. My counsellor says, on a similar note, that in her ward where she is a nurse they give diabetics a milky drink and some supper before bed so that they have enough sugar stored to last them the night. Might be worth giving them a try? And good luck with your goals. Take it one step at a time, you have come a long way just getting yourself help for your panic, well done you!!

Jay ann: Thank you! Glad you liked it and thank you for giving me hope that things will, even if they dip a little from time to time, continue to get better for me!

Psychopoet: Hurray for No More Panic victories! Yes it is wonderful, and a relief! I was beginning to think if I carried on shaking like I was someone would start trying to stuff clothes in my mouth and use me as a washing machine! Nice to feel like it is finally on it's way out.

Budgie: Go for it! I love getting my hair cut, feels like a fresh start! Lets hope it is a happier, more confident and healthier new you that emerges! And if not, at least you'll have a sexy new haircut haha!

Cheers guys, keep me posted!

Danny xxx

31-03-09, 17:30

Thanks for your post, it has made me feel a little hopeful.


31-03-09, 20:44
Hey guys!! :hugs:

I went and did it! I got my new 'do!! :yesyes:

And I feel GREAT!! I feel so wired that I went to the salon and got the style I'd wanted! I feel really confident and sexy (what!!!) I never really had a 'proper' hair style before so this is a new thing for me, and I like it :shades:

31-03-09, 21:15
Good for you Budgie,glad you are feeling better this week.Perhaps you should change your name to PEACOCK ? lol. sue :hugs:

31-03-09, 22:19
LOL suzy!!! :roflmao:

You're so right! :roflmao: I've been just like a bird today I spent so much time preening in front of the mirror. This is most unlike me! :scared15: Usually I avoid all reflective surfaces, but I just love my hair! :blush:

01-04-09, 10:40
Oh Budgie WELL DONE YOU!!!! :D

I am smiling now just because of your story, that is so good! I am so pleased it has made you feel sexy; great feeling when something does that isn't it? And I bet you are walking taller and feeling better for it too, aren't you? Congratulations!!

Maybe this new hair do can be the start of a new you! Well done people, keep up the success stories!

Oh, and my plant I mentioned at the start of the thread has just had three more buds open, which means I now have 8 narcissus flowers on there! Made me smile! Yay!

Take care peeps! Have a nice day!

Danny xxx

03-04-09, 11:21
Hey all! :D

I have just got back from having a neck, head and shoulder massage and I am feeling great!

What's more, I have made some really great life decisions and I am feeling better than I have in a very long time!

I have decided that I am going to get a part time job to replace my full time one, and in between being at work I am going to start up my own interior design business, giving people advice on decorating and also helping with the decorating itself and sourcing furniture, etc. I love things like this and I think it would make me very happy as a career!

I have also decided that I am going to start writing again. I have been meaning to for a while now but just haven't got started again yet, but I have decided on a subject now; I am going to write my own self-help book on anxiety! Woohoo!

Right, better be off, got stuff I need to get started... Take care guys! Have a great day and if anyone has any stories about what they want to do now to help them get better, please do post them on here! You will all make me smiley!

Danny xxx