View Full Version : Help....Anxiety and Work??!?

30-03-09, 14:24
Ok.....so I am suffering from Anxiety and the DR says it is under the Generalised Worry along with Severe Depression, I have been off work now for 5 weeks as the Dr is signing me off still.....However my employer has snet me a letter advising that someone from HR and my Manager are coming on a home visit this Wednesday, obviously my anxiety feels to be uncontrolable these last 2 days because of this letter and yes you guessed it I cant sleep either :weep: .

The letter says in brief ....'This is to review your current Medical Condition and to review and discuss a phased return to work plan so that we can slowly introduce you back to your normal work pattern'

Now my sick note is not due to run out for another 2 weeks and as I have only been on the Cipralex for 4 weeks I feel that it is still early days with regards to my recovery, and to be honest yes the Panic Attacks have reduced greatly but I know that alot of the anxiety is related to work and obviously I do not feel ready to go back yet.

So I have a couple of questions....can my employer override my Dr's decsion and do I / should I be totally honest with my Employer re my health issues's (Anxiety, Depression and my ED). I feel totally overwhelmed about this and at the moment my chest is so tight i am struggling to breathe confortably.

Sorry for the long rant but any help / advice would be great x x

30-03-09, 14:36
Hi :)
As far as I am aware as long as you continue to receive sick notes from your gp you are covered at work. Could your gp sign you off for a longer period? My gp used to sign me off for a month or so at a time. I would not have liked my employers visiting me at home! I would not have been comfortable with that. If you are covered by a sick note are they allowed to do this??? Maybe others on the site can help with this. I would be totally honest with your employer because they will find out through your gp what you are signed off with. State to your employers that you do not feel ready to return to work. They cannot force you to nor can they terminate your contract if you are off work unwell, whilst you have a gps sick note. I am fairly sure of this but dont take my word for it, because I may not be right also. I wonder if others on the site can help who know more about this?
I hope you begin to see an improvement soon. Its horrible feeling like how we feel isnt it?

30-03-09, 14:49
I think you are right Poppy. I also think it maybe best to go back to the Doctors and tell them what is going tohappen and it is making you feel worse and he/she can maybe contact your employers and explain what going on. A few years back my Doctor did this for me when i was about 8 weeks off. I think after a certain period they can ask you to go some sort of medical review but im not sure about this and it would not be after a few weeks

30-03-09, 14:57
Hey Lotte,

The first thing i would do icall your GP and explain exactly what you have told us, let him know that the pressure of the impending visit is causing you more anxiety... this way your current feelings etc will have been recorded by your GP, also he can advise you medially as to what you should do.

My second phone call would be to your local Citizen Advice Beareau. THey should be able to provide you with accurate information regards emplyment law and sick leave.

But back to the actual visit, although it is making you anxious try to look at it from a more positive perspective. It's actually quite a good thing they are doing, at least the give a S**t enough to make a home visit.. Perhaps you could ask a friend or relative if they could be at home with you fpr the visit so you'll have the emotional support..

If the visit is going to happen regardless, try to use it to your advantage, explain your situation to the HR person, tell them how you feel about the meeting as well as you in general. if you are not ready to go back to work then you're not ready..

Perhaps if work has been a trigger for you in the past, you could discuss these issues, it might be that they can hlep you re arrange your position and duties in order to make the transition back into work when you do feel ready as easy as possible...

I hope this helps honey

you take care

big hugs

I'm pretty sure your jpb is secure while signed off on a sick note (call the cab office to be sure) so stick to your guns and wait until your ready to face that part of your life again...

30-03-09, 15:25
They cannot make you go back to work whilst you are signed off sick (and if they are a large company they will not ALLOW you to return to work whilst signed off).

However many large companies do like to work with their employees to give them an option of a phased return to work (its called covering their backs and ensuring they will not be hit with a constructive dismissal claim).

It sounds like they are just planning for the future to ensure that if and when you can return they will ensure that it is a gradual non stress-ful return. They will probably want to ensure that if there is any suggestion that your illness was caused by work they remove this stress as much as they can.

So please don't be worried at all - they are just covering their backs and ensuring that they dont hit litigation further down the line

Take care
Allye x

30-03-09, 16:56
How are you? I'm in a slightly similar situation myself.I've had some time off work due to panic attacks and it has gone to occupational health,whoever they are. They've told me I can't go back into work for two weeks until I'm assessed!
The thought of having to do that is horrible, but I know its got to be done.
Talk to your dr, they're there to protect you and support you.Its right what everyone is saying, the company only want to keep an eye on things.
As my dr said to me, don't think of it as a negative thing, don't think of it as a positive thing, just think of it as a thing!
Thinking of you,

30-03-09, 21:08

Don't worry about this. Your employer only seems to be showing the concern that they are supposed to. They will be as worried as you that your job may in some way be causing this - so be honest with them. If it is your job, then tell them.
Every employer is duty bound to provide the support and resources that are required in order to provide a stress free work environment. At the end of the day you are employed to be a productive member of society and not a pair of shoulders on which to pile mountains of stress upon.
They may ask to see your medical records, which you are entitled to say yes or no to. You are also allowed to see them first and can ask for details to be changed if you consider them incorrect.
They are allowed to request a second opinion from a doctor of their choice, but this would only be done at a latter stage.

The last thing any employer will want is an employee sufferring from stress saying to them, it's all your fault. They just sound as though they are an employer that is concerned and nothing more sinister than that.