View Full Version : I really need help- asap

30-03-09, 14:36
For the past month and a 1/2, I am waking up sick to my stonach from the dread feeling. I am not myself anymore and am sad most of the time. The past week I am crying at work, don't laugh like I used to and feel that I am sick, or something terrifying will happen. I was sitting at my desk earlier and I got really dizzy, felt like the room was spinning, it lasted about 5 seconds,but really scared me. I felt panicky after it. I have a dr appt at 3:20 today but it isn't coming fast enough. I am really scared and sick to my stomach now.I can't do this anymore. I can't. I need help right now and xanax isn't helping. I am scared of meds so I have stopped those. Help, please. I am on the verge if tears.

30-03-09, 14:45
I am sorry you are feeling so scared right now. Take some deep breathes to help you get focused. The dizziness is from breathing to shallow. When you hyperventilate you will get dizzy and that will scare you more when you are having a panic attack. You will make it. Tell your doctor what is going on and maybe they will change the meds to work better. Get your brain to focus on something else for awhile and emember a panic attack never killed anyone. It is just scary. Take care and breathe deep.

30-03-09, 14:52
panic attacks are the worst thing i have ever suffered but honestly hang in there till u get to the doc!! they are horrid things and really make u feel as if u r dying.. sooo scary.. just try (as easy as it is for me to say) and concentrate on something else to take your mind off it! get a really cold drink of water and some air where poss, and try and calm down.. just keep reading some posts on here, there thousands of us suffering and we are all ok!! u will be fine keep your chin up xx:yesyes:

30-03-09, 14:52
So sorry you feel so scared at present. Glad you are seeing Dr..just tell him how you feel. You may need other meds to help you through this, but you are not physically ill, it just feels like that. We have all had these dreadful feelings and you will get through this and get you life back. just try to get through the next few hours. Thinking of you.....XX

30-03-09, 15:00
I have honestly never been this sad. And I have no reason to be. I have a wonderful husband that cherishes me and a beautiful son that is my world. I have a good job, good family and friends. Why doesn't this stop? I don't understand it. I feel everyday I won't get thru this, that there is something really wrong with me. And as far as taking an antidepressant, I read that it can cause sudden cardiac death. So much for that. I wanted to try natural, but I don't know. I don' t want tobe this scared everyday.

30-03-09, 16:18
your sadness is probably down to the fact that u have such a happy life, and are surrounded by loving people.. so much so that u fear the bubble will burst and u wont be around long enough to enjoy the existence u got now!! this is exactly how i feel and have been like this since august last year, it is tonnes better now because i talk to people about it..ask ur doctors about cbt its a therapy that has helped me no end.. things will get better tho believe me.. and dont worry about the anti d's the doc wouldnt put u on them if they would do u any harm xx