View Full Version : advice/experiences wanted increasing dosage and scared please help.

30-03-09, 14:37
will keep it short after having terrible anxiety and depression my gp put me on a course of 10mg citralopram which seemed too take the edge off things and helped me out then i went downhill again after xmas and went up to the prorer dosage of 20mg which have been marvellous for me my anxiety is very low and i have generally been well - however these past two weeks i have slowly been deteriotating i have been very tearful crying a lot and not as well as i should be :weep: i have too see doctor tomorrow and am wondering whether a jump up too 40 mg would be benefitial and will i have any side-effects im scared because my first side-effects were horrendous- tho from 10mg too 20mg nothing- any experiences/advixce would be greatly appreciated thankx kat x:scared15:

30-03-09, 14:53
I am on 10mg which are really helping me and due to move to 20mg. I dont think the tablets can be helping/suiting you if for the past 2 weeks you have been slowly deteriotating. Maybe they are aggravating the original reason why you took them? If you go up to 40mg there are no guarantees that you wont feel down still on that dose and subsequent doses. I would ask the gp - maybe he will suggest a different brand of medication for you. There is no point in taking an anti depressant if you still feel down on them. I am really sorry you feel as you do - hopefully it will all get sorted out for you and you will feel happier soon.

30-03-09, 15:27
i think if you looked at me at xmas when i lost a stone in weight and was really quite a poorly lil person ive come on leaps and bounds im no-where near as ill as i was i mean i can honestly say i was in hell for november soo the meds have worked since jan i have been well going out exercising im not one of these people who will stay in bed all day and not help myself i have been doing everything i can too be rid of this depression - i just can feel its back i think i will take my advice from the doctor he listens and is well informed i just wondered about side effects really making me ill again if i do decide too increase.

30-03-09, 15:29
thankx poppy for ur kind words hope u are well soon too:)

30-03-09, 17:06
Hi Bluegirl, is there anything that is causing you to feel depressed? Try looking for a specific reason that you feel down. If there is something causing it, no drugs will take that away, you need to face the problem and deal with it! We're here if you need to share anything :)

30-03-09, 21:40
im lonely thats the only thing that upsets me

30-03-09, 21:52
Hi Blue girl, this has happened to me so my dose was increased,it wasnt so much depression but the anx getting worse.Ive found that if you increase by 10mg you hardly get any side effects,i take 5mg cut 1 in half for a few days then take 10mg you should be fine.Once you are feeling better it will not be so isolating for you and youll be able to get out more and meet people.ALL THE BEST SUEX

31-03-09, 12:19
been to my gp today i was crying when i went in there:weep: he cheered me up and told me my progress has been very good since xmas and hes not worried about me he increased my dosage too 30mg and i have to go back after easter now i feel im going to be okay -well i hope soo:blush: