View Full Version : Feeling so run down:(

30-03-09, 14:39
I feel just so rundown recently but I have been ploding on hoping all will work out.

I had a bad cold and sinusitis in December, 500mg of Amoxicillin sorted me out, then in January I had it on the other side which again resulted in me having anti bs again. I was ok during February but then I was given anti bs again 3 weeks ago because I was feeling very congested and my nostril was bleeding. I saw ENT and they said it wasn't proper nose bleeds so it was an infection of the septum (sp), cream has sorted that out now.

Last week I started with a very croaky thick mucusy throat, very congested, not like a full cold but just congested nostrils, swapping sides but my left nostril has been congested for a few months now. When I had to blow which wasn't very often it was clear but over the weekend the mucus, mainly in the morning when I blew my nose was yellow/green but by afternoon was clear again. Yesterday I felt alot better for blowing it all out and felt quite well.
I woke up this morning, my legs felt weak, I was feeling exhausted despite an 8 hour sleep, nostrils very congested again so I did a sinus rinse and gave my nose a good blow and out came alot of yellow again (its clear now). Half an hour later I had a proper nose bleed, was pouring out of me, I last had a proper nose bleed when I had a very heavy head cold and sinusitis in December. It really worried me so I rung my GP and he told me to come in.
I told him what had happened, he knows my background with my sinuses, I had a CT scan last September which showed mild chronic inflammation. He said the nosebleeds are nothing serious because my full blood count etc... were all normal last monday, they ran tests because I was feeling so ill and tired, turns out my ferritin is very low (19) GP said this is very low and probably why I am always run down and ill?? so he said the nose bleeds were nothing to panic about, probably just caused by congestion, he said its quite common, has anyone else had this??

He said I have no real sinus pain, the kids had a nasty virus a few weeks ago so he thinks I may have a virus but as my temp is up slightly (isn't on my thermometer, lol) he said he wanted to give me more anti bs, 500mg of amoxicillin again!! 4th time since mid December. He said not to worry about that, aparently I will be ok. He is writing to ENT to try and arrange another CT scan but when I saw the ENT recently he said he would not bother and it is the same ENT who I see privatly through Classic Hospitals, grrrr.

I am just worrying I have a chronic sinus infection and it will lead to further complications (good old meningitis or absesses), grrrr all of those fears are creeping back. I am ill so often, I am now in uni and have had to take a few days off because of this already:-( I love going and am so dedicated to the course, I do not want to give up on my dream but I am concerned about all the time I might have to have off when I get ill like this:-(

I had a full blood count done a week ago, my white cell count was normal, am I right in thinking this would be raised if I was fighting a chronic infection? My level was 6.5.

I am just feeling very confused and upset today, not sure what is going on but I always seem to have a cold, sinusitis or nose bleeds and its getting to me and my old fears/anxiety is starting to creep back:-( just when I thought my life was getting so much better and I was really happy:-(

30-03-09, 16:30
Can anyone reassure me? feeling terrible.

30-03-09, 17:14
I gather, from my doctor (just been for MRI of my sinuses and nose area) that a chronic condition of sinusitis would not necessarily mean raging fever or anything.... it just means that you have a condition that is ongoing.... quite common with the sinus area as well... It would also mean nose bleeds etc. Also, I had it and my blood tests were normal... Sorry to ask, but do you smoke? Have to say that my sinuses have improved beyond belief since I gave up.....

30-03-09, 17:52
Can i ask what symptoms u had? How was it treated? No i dont smoke.

30-03-09, 21:48
Dear Aimee,
So sorry to hear that you are still feeling low and anxious. If it is any comfort to you, both my daughter and myself are going through more or less the same!
I have the odd nosebleed and have a bloody pink post nasal drip which I would be grateful if you could confirm if you have had, as this is freaking me out! The doctor seems to think it is ok! My 17 year old daughter has just had a really nasty nosebleed about an hour ago and now has a a headache. The poor thing has had this continual cold/sinus thing since Christmas. We seem to bounce the germs from one to the other! It's not much fun is it!
Perhaps we could do with a nice relaxing holiday in a warm climate!
I hope you feel better soon.
Happy to talk at any time.
Love Nikki. :-) x

31-03-09, 09:27
Thanks. Poor u, u had to have antibiotics?

31-03-09, 13:49
Hiya Aimee,
Sorry to hear you are feeling lousy. I know what you are going through.
I've had similar since the start of the year. been on amoxicllin and every other drug the doc can think of now. It's a vicious circle, the sinus leads to nasal drip which leads to sore throats and congestion and tummy problems which knocks you sideways and causes fatigue and tirerness and just when you think you are seeing some improvement it starts all over again. The nosebleeds are probably just the result of the constant blowing of your nose.
You shouldn't worry about feeling anxious about it, it's hard not too when you keep feeling ill.
Hope you feel better soon


31-03-09, 14:23
Thanks Mick,

I am worried as I have been on the amoxicillin 500mg 4 times since december, were you given it so much or did they try different ones? GP told me I will be fine using it again.

31-03-09, 14:44
Hiya Aimee.
I was tried on amoxicillin 500 mg for a few weeks then changed to another anitibiotic, but I don't think they have been much help either. The problem is my docs not sure what's causing it. If it's viral then antibiotics are useless against it. It's probably safe to keep on using them, but if they are not working i would go back and ask your doc for womething else. At the moment I'm on a beconase spray and he prescibed me some pseudophedrine, which when i opened them turned out to be Sudafed decongestant tablets.
I wish I had an answer to the problem. I don't think my doc has
take care


31-03-09, 17:01
Thanks Mick,

Hope you feel well soon.

31-03-09, 18:56
Dear Aimee,
Yes, I was given a course of anitbiotics, but was refused any more on the second visit as the doctor said it would run its own course and would not be necessary.
I was so fed up with the congestion and bleeding that I have been using a saline spray that I bought from the chemist. This has thinned the mucus down considerably and eased the congestion, but I still get the nosebleeds if I blow my nose. I now try to avoid this, but it is not always easy to do so.
I hope you are feeling less fed up today and that your nosebleeds have been less frequent?
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

31-03-09, 19:43
HI Nikki,

My nosebleed was just yesterday morning (touch wood) had one before that in December so GP said not to worry, he said they are common with congestion/colds and over use of steroid nasal sprays so I have cut that out for now.

Do you have proper nose bleeds or just abit of blood when you blow your nose? I hadn't had a nose bleed before until December and then yesterday, gave me quite a fright, lol!

I am a little scared that have had 3 lots of anti bs already and now I am on my 4th, worried what they might be doing to me.

01-04-09, 10:44
Feeling pretty awful today, congested all on left side and very tired, could anti bs be making me feel this exhausted? feel sick and lethargic:-( they are 500mg ones.

01-04-09, 11:52
I think it's more likely to be the sinus/congestion that's making you lethargic Aimee.
It can do that. Drains all the energy out of you. The sick feeling could be it draining down into your stomach. Both the things you mention are common symptoms of sinus/congestion problems. I know, I've had them. :)
It's weird how these infections effect other things such as energy levels.
Hang on in there.
take care


01-04-09, 12:10
What doesn't help is that my consultant is refusing to do a CT scan unless I pay for it, he says his professional opinion is that this is not a sinus infection now??????? despite me being ill for 4 mths and needing constant antibiotics.

I do not know what to do now:-(

01-04-09, 12:59
Doctors can be a pain. I've had this since jan 1st and my doc first said it was flu, then catarrh, now it's a sinus infection. When i first saw him I said it seems like sinus and he said he didn't think it was,now he's changed his mind.
My brother showed me some forums where everyone is saying they have similar problems this year. Head/chest/sinus congestions, and they are all being treated and diagnosed differently. All of them said they had had it for weeks and weeks. :shrug:
The latest from my doc was to 'let it run it's course' Not helpful when you feel so rough day after day,but I guess we don't have any choice


01-04-09, 22:38
My GP has now refered me for a CT scan, so all should get sorted one way or another.

It is a nightmare.
