View Full Version : night terror???

30-03-09, 14:41
Hi all...

I was wondering if anyone else has suffered with their HA what i did last night?? I had dropped off to sleep not sure how long i had been asleep, and woke up with such a strange feeling that i was going to pass out, or honestly die?? i felt sooo strange, like dizzy and wierd?? it scared the hell out of me, i woke my husband the way i jumped, i was breating heavy and felt absolutly terrified!!!! i have had a few other episodes when i have woken up out of a deep sleep and had that awful feeling on me?? but never as bad as last night??
I have been totally fine today just a bit freaked out by it... it is just another sympton of HA??

i have been worrying last day or so because of some swollen lymph glands under my arm that i have had checked in the past and were fine but now am worried it could have gradually turned into breast cancer.. they keep coming up then just going but it always feels as if something is there???

i despair of bloody HA!!!!:weep:

30-03-09, 15:23
Hello, First of all any kind of cancer would not make you jump in your sleep. That feeling of fear and your mind progressing it to a serious illness, is anxiety. It does the most horrible things to us mentally. I have experienced the "night tremors" and it made me feel everything you felt so yes, it is health anxiety and it is very common for people who panic to have these awful nights now and again. As for the swollen lymph gland , if you have had it before and had it checked then i wouldn't worry and if you are see your doctor again. But that is your HA giving you something to worry about!! Hope you feel better soon

31-03-09, 14:20
I have the same terrible nightmares. I have had them since I was very young. The more worried, stressed and anxious I am the worst the nightmares are.
Sometimes I really freak my wife out as i thrash around in my sleap and then wake but still think i am in the nightmare.

Ive had them so long i just got used to them.

31-03-09, 20:42
I kinda get this before i sleep, like i feel completely dreadful and utterly frightened before i sleep, then i get this weird thing where i feel like im not breathing properly, and everytime i try to get to sleep it makes me jump myself awake:S

31-03-09, 23:33
Yep me too. I get terrible night terrors. I go to sleep as normal and then after a little while I wake up try to go back to sleep but start thinking about the current HA, which is headaches and then away I go. I have full blown panic attack. Sweats the lot, can't go back to sleep end up with about 2 hours sleep. NIGHTMARE