View Full Version : So tired....

30-03-09, 16:26
I am so tired....I feel all weak and like I can barely keep my eyes open, this has happened twice in the past week...
Could B12 deficiency anemia cause this as I have this....?:shrug:

30-03-09, 18:35
yoive also got vb12 and it can cause tiredness and weakness ive been feeling same lately do you get blood tests and injections with yours?

30-03-09, 19:07
I had 6 injections to start with and then they said every three months. Had a blood test on Fri to see what the level is like and that will be a month on from the last injection. :(

30-03-09, 21:27
My dad gets the B12 injections every 3 months.

He's not anemic just vitamin defficiant..

So I'm unsure. I know that he is always cold though with it.

I think anemia can cause tirendess though,but so can stress and worrying! ;)

I hope you feel better soon lovey

Amy xxxxxxxxx

30-03-09, 22:16
Fairy, what happened with your kidney pains? If you posted it, I missed it. Did you ever get scans and results?

30-03-09, 22:59
Thanks Amy x Still waiting for a kidney ultrasound which is on weds. Pain still bad. I'm worried it is something serious x