View Full Version : Body size?

Hereford Al
30-03-09, 17:32
Hi all.
Does anyone know if Citalopram starts to work faster if you are of a smaller body size?

30-03-09, 18:07
Hi, i wouldnt think it does.....to put it fairly simply you still have a similar volume of blood even if you are small compared to everyone else. Also as it works in the brain, everyones brain is generally similar in fluid content and blood content so youd expect it to be similar for the general population. But saying all that some people it does work faster for, but that might be for many other reasons:)

30-03-09, 18:15
How long have you been taking it for? It doesn't start to work until after the first week at the very least, so you will need to tough it out for a while, but you will certainly notice a difference when it starts to kick in.

Some people find it takes a month or more, but for me it was starting to do its thang by day 11.

It will affect everyone differently depending on hundreds of factors. Keep taking it, you should see an improvement soon.

30-03-09, 19:06
I am only 5ft and a bit.. not quite half inch lol..and my frame is quite small too. I find that 20mg is enough for me and can make me feel quite off for a short while after taking it.. especially if i have missed a day, my GP told me that with being so small the drug would get into my system quicker, so , don't know if this does has any factor of not.. but its a thought. I know this drug works on the Brain, but to get there is does use the blood supply so as the blood has less body to run around, it makes sense that if would affect smaller peeps much quicker.. maybe..

31-03-09, 01:56
heh heh that is a nice thought....im a small person myself at 5 ft 1", yes the 1" is important :D And thinking about it alcohol goes to my head v quick!

The drug might get into the blood quicker for small people like us! then it has to cross the blood brain barrier. And after that is the part which determines how fast it works, the binding to the serotonin reuptake transporter which subsequently increases the concentration of seratonin - this is the bit which takes days to weeks....so in theory 5 minutes quicker into the brain doesnt make too much difference. Theres other factors but i really shouldnt be waffling about boring pharmacology this time in the morning...but am ironically too anxious to sleep :scared15:

31-03-09, 11:09
I am 5ft 5 and 8 stone. I found citalopram kicked in very quickly for me, within days. I used to find alcohol affected me very quickly when I used to drink too - I think maybe it is related to body size, but then doesnt anti depressants just affect the brain - in which case body mass would have nothing to do with it.:shrug:

Hereford Al
31-03-09, 12:27
Yeah, sorry for the question guys. I just wondered whether anti-depressants were like other types of medication which seem to affect skinny people quicker.

I'm coping OK at the moment, so no biggie as far as I am concerned :-)

31-03-09, 16:43
heh heh that is a nice thought....im a small person myself at 5 ft 1", yes the 1" is important :D And thinking about it alcohol goes to my head v quick!

The drug might get into the blood quicker for small people like us! then it has to cross the blood brain barrier. And after that is the part which determines how fast it works, the binding to the serotonin reuptake transporter which subsequently increases the concentration of seratonin - this is the bit which takes days to weeks....so in theory 5 minutes quicker into the brain doesnt make too much difference. Theres other factors but i really shouldnt be waffling about boring pharmacology this time in the morning...but am ironically too anxious to sleep :scared15:

Thats interesting, I think it helps to understand how these drugs work in our bodies..It does fasinate me a little, and it's also quite scary to think about.