View Full Version : Scared of head knock and how I feel!!

30-03-09, 19:56
Hey Everyone,

Last week I was walking out of a shop that was closing and the owner had pulled the roller shutter door down a bit and never said and I never noticed and I whacked the top of my head on it quite hard. I felt a bit dazed but never passed out or anything and can remember everything. My problem is how I have felt since I have been to GP twice and had a good checkover twice and told I had mild concussion and now have something called post concussion syndrome. I have been feeling really sick since and have had a dull headache with some shooting pains and my head is still a little bit tender I have been really emotional and down too.
My mother died of a brain tumour when I was 18 and I have been mega sensitive as far as my health and especially my head have been concerned ever since. Even tho I have been assured by 2 different doctors I am fine I am still very scared.
I fear I have some clot forming or tumour forming in my head. I know it is stupid but I can't help myself. I want to force them to give me a scan to put my mind at rest but feel stupid. I am getting married on Saturday and it is ruining what should be a very special time for me. Anyone else like me??

30-03-09, 21:01
Aw I am so happy you are getting married. Congrats.

I'm sorry this is ruininig it though.

I think if you are really really getting so worked up etc then you should maybe go down to the hospital cos they usually take head type pains seriously so although nothing I don't think would be really bad wrong,they would scan anyways and it would reassure you.

When I was in a few weeks ago there was man opposite me who had a hedache for days and they were sneding him for scan.

I'm sure you are fine.

I'm sorry about your mum though,that's awful sweety.I fyou want a talk or thwatever pm me or that. I'm happy to listen.

Amy xxxxx


Miss Alissa
31-03-09, 21:30

I just wanted to say that I know what you're going through and I hope you're ok. I walked into a lamp post on Thursday night and really knocked my head hard - funny for the people I was with, less so for me! have a big swollen lump, a very sore head with shooting pains and am generally just feeling a bit low and spaced out. Was sent to the doctor today who, like you, checked me out and said they weren't too worried, didn't see the need for a scan at the moment and that it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to feel like that for a week after the bump. He also said feeling low, a bit dazed and having intermittent headaches was normal. But that if anything got worse, if I got a violent headache that the drugs wouldn't help or if I had vision or mobility problems I should go back. Felt reassured for ooh, about 20 minutes before the HA kicked in and the 'what-ifs' started. Then my mum phoned and was all concerned, unsurprisingly given that I'd just told her I'd been feeling awful and had to go to A & E. But this somehow freaked me out even more, like she must be concerned because she senses something bad - not just 'she's my mum, she's not going to be anything but concerned.' Then she told me she'd had a terrible nightmare last night - in my head, that must because she knows something terrible is going to happen to me. Even writing this feels like I'm 'tempting fate' by dismissing something that could be terrible as anxiety. I'm not sure how helpful any of this is, but I know that when I'm going through my low points, coming here and seeing people think, react, and worry in the same way helps me a little. It also helps me to read that there is always somebody who is afraid of the exact same thing as me - no matter what it is. Maybe reading my 'crazy' might help you too - what you're worried might be happening in your head is not very common - the anxiety, the evil torturing thought processes that are keeping you afraid are. And they're very real. Just look at the forums here - the numbers viewing the health anxiety forum are huge compared to the others!

Anyway, sorry - I am rambling. But I hope you're feeling better - keep taking painkillers for your bump, rest your head and your eyes if you can, and just try to take care of yourself. A good nutritious meal, an early night, or whatever it is you do to make you feel even 1% better. And if you do feel worse - really, honestly, seriously, dramatically, worse then go back and explain how you're feeling.

Take care
