View Full Version : Indigestion/heartburn/nausea

30-03-09, 21:29
On day 15 of citalopram, today i have had such bad indigestion and heartburn and been feeling really nauseous :mad:

Had a little bit of an acidy stomach since being on citalopram, but never had heartburn before - it's driving me mad! Shouldn't my side effects be getting better, not worse? Anyone else had this?

30-03-09, 21:35
yes i had the same side-effects i think they are quite common and will pass eventually soo try and stick im there i know its really hard but you will see the benefits -hope u feel better sooner than later :hugs:

30-03-09, 21:38
Thanks bluegirl,

I'm sitting here now feeling awful and like i'm going to puke. Doesn't help that i'm emetophobic! And getting my dose upped on friday, so that's bound to make it worse. All top fun!

30-03-09, 21:39
I find my stomache is better when i take my tabs with milk and also eat a little something.I know its hard when you feel sick but it really helps.I had 3 weeks of bad side effects ,so its perfectly normal.Hopefully youll be feeling better soon . Sue

30-03-09, 21:41
Thanks sue :)

02-05-09, 08:20
Nausea is not a sickness, but rather a symptom of several conditions, many of which are unrelated to the stomach. Nausea is often indicative of an underlying condition elsewhere in the body. Motion sickness, which is due to confusion between perceived movement and actual movement, is an example: the sense of equilibrium lies in the ear and works together with eyesight. When these two "disagree" about the extent to which the body is actually moving, the symptom is presented as nausea, although the stomach itself has nothing to do with the situation. The stomach's involvement comes from the brain's conclusion that one of the senses is hallucinating due to poison ingestion; the brain then induces vomiting to clear the supposed toxin.