View Full Version : Dizziness stories

30-03-09, 22:21
Please anyone who has suffered with dizziness can you give me some help with my symptoms. How have you coped? what has your doc said? Do you take any medications? Does it ever go away? Does it make you sick? How do you still live your life?

I have been suffering with dizziness (not vertigo as room doesn't spin) FOR 4 WEEKS, DOCTORS FOBBING ME OFF WITH VIRAL EAR INFECTION AND ANXIETY. i AGREE it may be anxiety as I am so anxious. I have phobia of vomiting and am afraid the dizziness will get worse and make me sick everyday. Oh god, I am so scared right now. I know I need to help myself but just need some advice and a little support to get started.

Thanks everyone for reading.

princess kay
30-03-09, 23:46
Please anyone who has suffered with dizziness can you give me some help with my symptoms. How have you coped? what has your doc said? Do you take any medications? Does it ever go away? Does it make you sick? How do you still live your life?

I have been suffering with dizziness (not vertigo as room doesn't spin) FOR 4 WEEKS, DOCTORS FOBBING ME OFF WITH VIRAL EAR INFECTION AND ANXIETY. i AGREE it may be anxiety as I am so anxious. I have phobia of vomiting and am afraid the dizziness will get worse and make me sick everyday. Oh god, I am so scared right now. I know I need to help myself but just need some advice and a little support to get started.

Thanks everyone for reading.

hey jessie- i suffer with dizziness and feeling unbalanced that isone of my main symptomsof anxiety and it is very scary, the more you fear the dizziness the worst it gets, also unfortunatly untill your anxiety subsides (goes away) the dizziness will be there, some days im fine then other daysi feel horrible woth dizziness, when i first startedto experienceit i thought iwas goin to die! when your feeling dizzy just tell yourself its just a sensation of my anxiety it will go away it cant harm. i n o what it is. hope that helped you a little. kay x also i dont take medication for it, i do take kalms to help with my anxiety also rescue remedy, dont take mediacation it just mkesthings worse sometimes, it will go away with time. my doctor told me it was nothing to worry about. x