View Full Version : feels like everything is going wrong!

30-03-09, 23:41
It literally feels like my body is shutting down, there's something wrong with everything!

Had a dodgy stomach this weekend, think it was food poisoning. Didn't throw up, but my bowel movements were loose to say the very least (sorry, gross, I know). I'm fine today, but yesterday I was convinced it was something sinister.

The last couple of days, my chest has felt a bit tight, and like there's something stuck in my chest/throat. I quit smoking a couple of months ago, but had a few on Wednesday night when I was drinking, so think maybe it's my body not used to the smoke after a couple of months without it? I don't have a cough exactly, but when I make myself cough my upper right back hurts a bit. So my mind has gone into overdrive about lung cancer.

I've also had a thing about mouth cancer lately, and just now as I was brushing my teeth, when I spat out there was a bit of blood in it.

I've had heartburn issues for a while now, and I've heard that can cause stomach/chest ulcers, so that hasn't helped.

It feels like everything is going wrong, and my mind is paranoid about everything. I'm so stressed out with university work (I'm coming to the end of my final year) and I just feel tired all the time. Sometimes I just don't want to get out of bed, and feel like I could cry at any moment. I've just lost my uncle to testicular cancer, and this weekend was the sixth anniversary of my sister's death.

I was doing well for a couple of weeks, but now I'm literally petrified about everything that happens to me. It must be cancer. I'm nearly 22, so I know it's highly unlikely, but then I think, you always hear those horror stories about young people, maybe I'm one of the unlucky ones? I can't cope like this for much longer, waiting for something bad to happen to me.

31-03-09, 02:17
Heya....im on the same wavelength with the giving up smoking and uni stuff rite now. Its amazing how much worse i feel my chest feels horrible and im wheezing like anything, i feel like im falling to bits!! i smoked a couple a few weeks back and got horrible upper back ache, i did also just before i gave up....it freaked me and i went to my doctors. She wasnt phased by it at all and said i might feel rough for the next few months, bear in mind back ache is not a common symptom of lung cancer also.

I have heartburn and uni makes it worse as its so stressful at the moment (i have dissertation, exams, the lot) i have had heartburn terribly the last couple of months, feel sick allll the time and im sitting up awake now coz its so bad when i lay down....stress is a major factor! Im convinced i got everything under the sun right now.

You should go see your GP, is no point suffering x

06-04-09, 21:43
You are not alone!
I quit smoking about two months ago. I am 23 and smoked on and off (sometimes light, sometimes heavy) for three years. Those three years of smoking were not good for my health, but I also realize that the odds of those three years dooming me with iminent death are slimmer than making a snowman on the equator.
I had blood in my morning spit once...after panicking I realize that it was from the back of my nose, not my lungs.
I had another cancer scare with a lump in a certain area. The ultrasound showed nothing.
Now I have anxiety, and upper back pain that seems to be strong some days, and weak other days.
I am a hypochondriac, no doubt, and the quitting smoking dealt me a bit of depression. I feel like I have no hope and that I am doomed. But these things happen, and they happen to people that quit smoking (and work at a desk...can't help my back there).
It is hard to think rationally. I hope I can, and I hope you can. Lets try to remember that we are more than likely just fine.
Congrats on quitting.

06-04-09, 23:37
I am in the same boat as all of you.. Dont worry about spitting up blood after you brush your teeth this is very common , you brush to hard ,and your gums will bleed a bit. Not a big deal. Heres what you should do go get atlest an ekg, a chest xray and a blood test.. Having a ressurance is nice an might calm you down a littl bit. I also quit smoking about 1 month ago.. my lightheadedness and n i have bood in my stool.. i am soo depressed the only thing that helps me is hanging out wih my girlfrend. Wouldnt it be nice to be normal again.. free of this anxiety and tormentation .. i remember when i felt normal... now i feel like i am nearing death and i am only 24.

07-04-09, 09:59
I feel exactly the same way! Everything is always something. I'm recently thinking that I have a brain tumor and that its affecting my thinking. But it know its just in my head. We'll get through this I know we all will. We just need to put our efforts in the right place. For example, I'm going to go see a Cognitive behavioral therpaist for the first time tomorrow. I hope with all my heart he wil be able to help me. I won't stop trying everthing until this is gone. Because I'm not going to let this control my life how it is right now.

07-04-09, 17:55
Wow I've only just seen these replies, thank you! It's so good to know I'm not the only one, this bloody anxiety can make me feel like the loneliest girl in the world sometimes.

I'm having one of my 'better' periods, but even now, it's always at the back of my mind. I've still got mouth cancer paranoia. My chest still feels heavy (I foolishly smoked again on Friday night having gone a few weeks without). And my heartburn isn't subsiding. I need to see a GP, I know I do. But my dissertation's due in in 3 weeks, and I just don't have the time!

Thanks again for your replies, let's hope we all get through this! :D

07-04-09, 19:15
I quit smoking when i was 18 ( have started again now) but after a few weeks or so of giving up I started to get Diarrhea with huge amounts of blood and abdominal cramps and fatigue so bad that 90% of my life was sleeping. I lost so much weight and I really didnt care what I had, I just wanted it to get better! Eventually I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis which these days is pretty much nothing! So you see I had so many awful symptoms that I was convinced I had cancer. But nope it was just Colitis. So next time when you start to worry jsut tell yourself "I'd know if I had something wrong with me"! Because you would! Your mind is a powerful thing and can play games with you! Rationality is the key! Just think that every symptom is connected to 1000s and 1000s of illnesses, which 99% of them being minor. And the other 1%? Well you would have other major symptoms with it and your brain will be telling you that its not good news. So don't worry!!! And don't google!!! PM me if you want to talk xx