View Full Version : HA and Holiday

31-03-09, 08:57
I am going to Orlando just after Easter for a week and I should be excited but all I can focus on is how worried I am going to be about myself whilst I am over there. It's basically my skin. Ever since I had a rash in November on mainly the bottom half of my legs I have been in a high stater of anxiety mainly due to the fact the doctor didn't seem to know what it was and with the help of Dr Google I diagnosed myself with serious terrible diseases. I am at work now and feel like bursting into tears. I anaylise my skin daily. I am always finding blemishes, marks and now spots over mainly my legs and I am freaking out. I am so scared I will go on holiday and discover something on my skin and ruin the holiday. How do I cope? I have been to the doctors 3 times since I had that rash, explained it, showed the doctor last week a red patch on my leg which he seemed to just laugh off. He said that skin can get irritated underneath the surface - is that true? I am so scared right now, I am sure everyone gets spots and blemishes on all parts of their bodies but I have never focused so much on mine and I am finding all sorts. Please help.