View Full Version : Health Anxiety - Mouth ulcer

31-03-09, 09:38
I will give you the full story 5 months agao i found a lump in my mouth, i got refered to the consultant and I had it removed and it turned out to be a cyst. But ever since I am continually worried that I have the dreaded C. I have been to teh dentist 5 times in the alst month.

The worry i have at the moment is that io have a mouth ulcer that is about 1 cm in size and is very painful and had it for 6 days now. I hae been to the dentists again and he said it just a mouth ulcer and to apply bonjella. But I keep panicking that its the dreaded C. I think I am going mad it is all i can think about. I shoudl be happy at the moment as my wife had her first preganacy scan and teh baby is fine and healthy.

31-03-09, 10:42
The fact that it is very painful, believe it or not, is a good sign... from what I have read and been told, sinister mouth problems look bad but don't really hurt...

If you go to the chemist, they can give you this paste type stuff you put on the ulcer - it REALLY helps and clears them up much faster. Also, the mouthwash Corsodyl is brilliant.

To make you feel better - I have just got rid of a HUGE mouth ulcer - it lasted for 10 days.... then I got the paste - it went in two days....

I always panic when I get them - so I really understand.... but I know that pain is GOOD....

31-03-09, 11:37
Thanks that was really helpful and reassuring. :D I just hope it goes soon as its driving me mad

01-04-09, 14:17
I have bought the mouth ulcer past today. Hoping it will sort the mouth ulcer out as I have now had it for 7 days. Really worrying about it.

01-04-09, 17:51
Trust me - you'll notice a big difference almost immediately.... and, if it helps, some ulcers can last two/three weeks. My husband had a mega one on the back of his gum - really horrid, lasted a while - 4 weeks in total. Now, if that had been me, God help us all - but he was just relaxed (though it was really sore) and it went.... wish I was like him but there we go! Don't panic about what google says about them... some can last a long time, pain is good and it will go. Also, take extra vit c and b and zinc.... all of these help prevent them.

02-04-09, 08:26
Thanks again for your reassurance. My wife gets fed up off me worrying about it. Nice to speak to someoen else that has the same concerns.

02-04-09, 18:11
I get huge quantities of mouth ulcers, I've always had them. I rarely don't have them and often it'll be ten at once. They really hurt and always take over a week to go. They annoy me but I don't even bother with medication because none of it works. That paste sounds interesting though...

02-04-09, 18:13
Hey Tom - the paste is a life saver - it really works.... I get lots too... give it a try - it's odd though, feels like you have cement in your mouth...

06-04-09, 08:38
My mouth ulcer has nearly gone. If anyone interested the mouth ulcer paste is called Adcortyl in Orabase and really seems to clear the mouth ulcer up quickly.

06-04-09, 14:43
I'm so glad. What a relief for you.... brilliant stuff the paste....

06-04-09, 18:41
My daughter suffers quite a lot from mouth ulcer's and recently had a very bad one, someone recommended the paste stuff that everyone is talking about and she applied it straight away and the following day it was gone it's very good stuff, anyone suffering should give it a go:)