View Full Version : going mad?

31-03-09, 10:50
does anyone else feel like they are losing their mind with the whole anxiety/panic attack thing - this is all quite new to me and i really dont think im coping very well.

i actually feel like im going to crack. and i dont think it helps with my family telling me to get a grip and im going 'loopy'.

i knew i was going to have a busy day today and work and was totally overwhelmed by it before i even got out of bed (the only thing that makes me go to work is that i am in a lot of debt so the one thing i have to force myself to do is go to work no matter how bad i get)

can anyone help pls?


31-03-09, 12:56
well done on going to work regardless as its a big thing with the way you feel
Im sorry about your family not understanding or being harsh to your anxiety now as they wont know exactly how you feel think and how it makes us feel powerless and afraid.

I would sit them down and tell them exactly your thoughts and fears and how you feel day to day and maybe it may jolt them into being more understanding and thoughtful.

It seems anxiety consumes your thoughts 24/7 so you need a break from it and have you seen doc about anxiety classes to retrain your mind learn distraction and relaxation techniques,they helped me enourmously and i was able to challenge anxiety thoughts immediately and not them grow as the day goes on .

Also theres great self help tips on this site and the self hypnosis one is excellent to lie down to and relax and get some adrenaline out the body

Your not alone here snowbunny we all have felt with anxiety we were losing it ,it all gets to much and i think your doing really well and with some support and chilling time for you im sure we can get you a little better.
all the best finnx

31-03-09, 13:06
Dear snowbunny

Your post struck a bit of a chord with me and I must admit I've registered here purely to reply to it.

I've suffered a fair bit of anxiety/panic in the past and by far and away my greatest fear has been going mad / losing my mind and I've had visions of the future where I see myself a dribbling wreck in an institution somewhere unable to cope with life!

Indeed, I was so scared by this I didn't share my fear with people for ages (I've since confided in my Mum) for fear of validating it, so it's very good you've had the courage to post about it.

Anyway, I thought I'd share what has helped my get over feeling that way.

The first thing, from what I've read and spoken to doctors about, is that people who are genuinely "mad" don't worry about their mental state and cracking up. The second thing I gather is that the professionals don't consider people in such black and white terms as "sane" and "insane" - there is a broad spectrum of mental health. Not a professional myself so this isn't something I want to elaborate on for fear of saying something incorrect.

Clearly there is a lot on your plate at the moment that will be making you feel overwhelmed (gosh have I been there myself!) and I imagine you aren't sleeping too well. All of this will be making you feeling closer to "cracking up" or "losing it". Believe me, it may feel like it, but intense stress does funny things to us and it is completely reversible.

I've been feeling quite on edge recently but I can trace it directly to stress at work - knowing my panic has a real world cause and not down to going mad has been a massive help and enabled me to cope loads better.

Beyond that, I'd trot out the usual good advice. Eat well, try and sleep as best you can, exercise if possible and find somebody you can speak to - even if it's just posting messages here. Your family clearly aren't giving you the best advice even if they do mean well. Don't be afraid to go and talk to your Doctor too - this is extremely common and they have seen it many many times before. Getting up and going to work is extremely important too, it's great you're keeping that up. As an aside - does your job offer any counselling? Speak to your bank or a debt counsellor and plot a route out of your financial problems too - if you feel like you are progressing that will really help.

And above all chin up! You will get through, especially if you believe you will get better. It'll make you a much better and stronger person for it.

Hope my ramblings have been useful.


31-03-09, 19:01
Hi, yeah sometimes bad bouts of panic or anxiety or depression make me feel like I'm going to lose it, but I'm still totally sane after 30 years, so those feelings are wrong :)

06-04-09, 12:21
thank you all so much for your comments and for taking the time to reply - its really helped to know that im not the only one feeling like this. i've got some books by dr claire weekes so im hoping that will help as well :)


06-04-09, 13:08
I feel like this just now. Most definitely.

I had a brief moment of feeling a bit better..turns out anxiety and depression don't want to let me go just yet :(

It's hard when family and friends don't understand. Glad NMP exists honestly.

Hope you feel better soon hun


06-04-09, 14:41
i no how u feel. i to feel like im going mad and its scary.i also have comments off family members who think im loopy.just glad i found this website.take care .im sure you'l get better x

06-04-09, 15:17

Going mad is one of my biggest fears. I am convinced I will start to hear voices at any point.

Have been obsessing about it for 2 months and it has not happened so...

I guess it just won't

Its just fear.

06-04-09, 19:22
I completly relate to what your saying. In my rationale mind i know that i'm not going mad, but in the middle of a panic attack i feel totally overwhelmed with fear and feel out of control. I feel as if i'm losing my mind and as if anything and everything terrifies me... even things like the universe, gravity and the weather! When it passes though i realise its all just the nasty symptoms of depression and anxiety and nothing more xx