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31-03-09, 11:15
Hi, Im a 21 year old female living in the UK. Diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety (have been for the last 6 years).
Currently coming off of Citalopram (had my dose halved by the psychiatrist 6 weeks ago to 20mg, but after everything seeming to go down the pan last week I've gone completely cold turkey).
Really struggling with withdrawal, and dealing with my anxieties. Have read through posts over the last few weeks and am so relieved to read others going through these horrendous side effects - I feel like I'm going through hell.

31-03-09, 12:07
Hi :welcome:
Welcome to NMP! Hopefully you will find it a really good site as I do.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. Why did you go Cold Turkey though??? Does this not make your withdrawal much worse?
I only have to miss one dose of Citalopram and can feel the effects :scared15:

31-03-09, 13:44
Hi there and :welcome:to the site, coming off meds can be really tough, but there is a lot of good advice and support on here that will help, there is also a good chatroom as well, take care xx

31-03-09, 23:22
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


01-04-09, 01:58
Hi EF,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


01-04-09, 02:14

01-04-09, 02:18
hey ef i was told that citalopram wan not addicting??? im going on day 18 and still havent had the positive effects its caused other people but i think im goin to give it another week... why dont you continue to take your meds???

01-04-09, 15:56
Hi there everyone, thank you for your kind messages of support.
I decided to go cold turkey after nearly 2 months of withdrawal effects which weren't wearing off. I figured that at least I'd go through the roughs of it and come out of it the other side quicker. (However, it is being questioned that I have a form of bipolar, as I am very impulsive, which could explain my decision!!)

Emy, the reason I joined the site is because there is so much information on citalopram. I cannot give you advice, but my whole ordeal being on this antidepressant has been hell. It feels like the Dr's just fobbed me off, telling me to 'give it a go for atleast a month', and I was so vulnerable I did so. Now I'm stuck taking a tablet that does not improve my anxiety and depression and with side effects so severe I had to give up University and my job(s) , and yet the withdrawal effects are even worse. Please, if you still feel awful, stand up and say so to your Dr, rather than going back to bed and hoping it will get better next month (like I did).

[Just wanted to add that I do not hate this medicine and do not want to cause bad feeling or worry, I'm just a bit cross at the moment with the whole situation. I spent all of yesterday at the MH day hospital, and have agreed with the psychiatrist that I would start taking 20g again - and I have followed this through and am feeling much better already (in terms of withdrawal!). ]