View Full Version : Help Please!!

31-03-09, 13:59
To anyone who can help me try to rationalise Iam going through absolute hell today.

I have worried for sooooo long about having hiv that I have had four tests and they have all been negative but I dont beleive them becuae of my symptoms. I have posted them before and now have completely freaked myself out so much I feel like the world is ending.

I have all the symptoms of fibromyalgia and that was fine I felt better. Then I had to go and find it in google didnt I, guess what can give you fibromyalgia, hiv. I am totally petrified I cant beleive this is happening.

Is so worried for my partner and my baby i cant handle it. I phoned the terrence Higgins trust last week and they made me feel better telling me that my tests were good and I didnt have it if i tested negative but im so scared that they are wrong.

Can someone help me to calm down


31-03-09, 14:27
Hi there,
Did something cause you to think you have HIV, as there are definate things that cause it like unprotected sex, needle sharing etc.
So let's take a moment and think rationally about it , i know its not always easy, if you've had 4 tests and they've came back clear your fine as it would show up after 3mths, if it hasn't shown up by then your in the clear. Think of all the nurses etc that have reason to suspect, they've probably not even had the 4 tests, yet they will have been given the all clear. You would have been really , really ill by now as well. These symptoms that it gives of as well are similar to so many things i can honestly say that i've had 7 out of the 8 symptoms there and i defo do not have HIV.
Never google, it always throws at us the worst case scenarios ,if we want to see hiv, cancer etc we will. I wish I could take my own advice sometimes. Have you spoken to your doctor about fibromyalgia as there are many causes of it and it can be difficult to diagnose,as it is good at mimicking but Hiv being one of the rarer causes.
I hope this helps you to stop worrying a little , concentrate on your lovely baby and partner, as i'm sure everything is fine xxx

31-03-09, 14:34
Hey , I also meant to say it's horrible when we get these thoughts in our heads, they just won't go away it's a viscious circle, but you will get through this as we are all here to help one another, take care xx

31-03-09, 14:44
Lisa- I have the same worries as you. However, you need to stay off of google! Most of the information there is not accurate to HIV. If you notice, all of those sites say the exact same thing like someone cut and paseted it all there. There are no other perspectives being offered to you.
You can take any symptom and turn it into that. For me what helps is to educate myself about HIV so that I know whether or not my fears are justified and rational. Your fear is not rational. However, I know that my words are not going to convince you of this. Here are the sites that I frequently read to remind myself of the following:

1. Do you know how hard it is to actually catch it? 0.5% is your chance, if there is even a chance at all, which is now being questioned by a huge portion of the medical community around the world. Most of this HIV through sex is tabloid stuff. Do you know that there have been studies of couples where 1 had it and the other did not over multiple years of unprotected sex, the uninfected partner never got it? Also, they have done studies on prostitues who have sex 10-30 times A DAY without a condom and none of them have ever gotten it either.
2. They tested the sperm of 75 infected men and found HIV in only 1 of their sperm....out of millions of sperm, they found 1!
3. Over 90% of positive HIV test are wrong! There are lots of other things that can cause a false positive test: flu shot, pregnancy, mono, TB, chicken pox, and many more. They are not actually testing for HIV because there has NEVER been a scientist who could actually find a pure form of the disease despite millions of dollars in Aids research so many are questioning whether or not it even exists or if we all have it kinda thing. You could test positive in one clinic, and neg. in another. The test kits even have a statement in them saying that the reliability is not good.
4. There are tons of people with AIDS that do not have HIV....so if HIV causes AIDS...like google will have u to believe....why don't these individuals have AIDS? So many people have AIDS without HIV that they have had to come up with a new name for that disease!

You are really getting yourself worked up for nothing. Someone once asked me if I smoked. I told them long ago but I gave it up. Their response was "you will not get lung cancer from 1 cig. so why would you get HIV from having sex 1 time?" Every single symptom that comes with anxiety can be attributed to HIV and many other diseases. However, think rationally....if you had HIV and were that far along to be having symptoms...you would have found out by now! Have you been sick or had bloodwork lately? If you were sick and got better...there is no HIV there because your body healed and HIV kills your immune system. Also, if you had a CBC, HIV would show up in your white blood cell count. They would not have known at that point that it was HIV, they just would know further testing needed to be done....YOu are fine....stay off of google! Here are those links...educated yourself and everytime you feel the need to google, go here and read these instead and eventually you will see how silly your thoughts are....I speak from experience.


31-03-09, 14:51
Thanks so much for replying.

Unprotected with the same person whoturned out to be with many other people and a stupid belly button peircing in a house of a guy that does tatoos and perircings and I didny really pay attention to whether all his stuff was clean.

I feel so scared but what you said about having 7 out of eight of symptoms and about the nurses makes sense.

I just cantunderstand how i could be so unlucky to have four wrong tests but all these similar symtpoms are really freaking me out. And the more I stress the worse they get . I get totally petrified and i can feel the adrenaline like pain shooting up and dowm my arms and then i notice everything else like funny eye sight and then it goes from bad to worese.

And here is the really mental part that I have been asking my friends and family about my symptoms to make myself feel better , asking then if they have them and for a while I felt better. Now my brother has so many similar probs to mine that i am convinved that i have given it to him by some weird way gos knows what. I also now think that my friend has caught it from me beacsue she starting to have similar symptoms too and im now thinkiing what if she had borrowed one of my razors before or something. God i really cant handle this

31-03-09, 15:01
Lisa- I forgot the links...these are really worth looking at! I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel because of them. When I get worried again...I go to them over and over and read them instead of google. Hope it helps.
http://video.google.com/videosearch?...sitesea rch=# (http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=the+other+side+of+aids&hl=eN&sitesearch=)

http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/cjtestfp.htm (http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/cjtestfp.htm)

http://aliveandwell.org/ (http://aliveandwell.org/)

http://rethinkingaids.com.93.seekdotnet.com/ (http://rethinkingaids.com.93.seekdotnet.com/)


http://www.peaceandlove.ca/AIDSsexmyth.html (http://www.peaceandlove.ca/AIDSsexmyth.html)

http://www.healtoronto.com/ (http://www.healtoronto.com/)

31-03-09, 15:14
You need to stay off of google! Most of the information there is not accurate to HIV. If you notice, all of those sites say the exact same thing like someone cut and paseted it all there. There are no other perspectives being offered to you.
You can take any symptom and turn it into that. For me what helps is to educate myself about HIV so that I know whether or not my fears are justified and rational. Your fear is not rational. However, I know that my words are not going to convince you of this. Here are the sites that I frequently read to remind myself of the following:

1. Do you know how hard it is to actually catch it? 0.5% is your chance, if there is even a chance at all, which is now being questioned by a huge portion of the medical community around the world. Most of this HIV through sex is tabloid stuff. Do you know that there have been studies of couples where 1 had it and the other did not over multiple years of unprotected sex, the uninfected partner never got it? Also, they have done studies on prostitues who have sex 10-30 times A DAY without a condom and none of them have ever gotten it either.
2. They tested the sperm of 75 infected men and found HIV in only 1 of their sperm....out of millions of sperm, they found 1!
3. Over 90% of positive HIV test are wrong! There are lots of other things that can cause a false positive test: flu shot, pregnancy, mono, TB, chicken pox, and many more. They are not actually testing for HIV because there has NEVER been a scientist who could actually find a pure form of the disease despite millions of dollars in Aids research so many are questioning whether or not it even exists or if we all have it kinda thing. You could test positive in one clinic, and neg. in another. The test kits even have a statement in them saying that the reliability is not good.
4. There are tons of people with AIDS that do not have HIV....so if HIV causes AIDS...like google will have u to believe....why don't these individuals have AIDS? So many people have AIDS without HIV that they have had to come up with a new name for that disease!

You are really getting yourself worked up for nothing. Someone once asked me if I smoked. I told them long ago but I gave it up. Their response was "you will not get lung cancer from 1 cig. so why would you get HIV from having sex 1 time?" Every single symptom that comes with anxiety can be attributed to HIV and many other diseases. However, think rationally....if you had HIV and were that far along to be having symptoms...you would have found out by now! Have you been sick or had bloodwork lately? If you were sick and got better...there is no HIV there because your body healed and HIV kills your immune system. Also, if you had a CBC, HIV would show up in your white blood cell count. They would not have known at that point that it was HIV, they just would know further testing needed to be done....YOu are fine....stay off of google! Here are those links...educated yourself and everytime you feel the need to google, go here and read these instead and eventually you will see how silly your thoughts are....I speak from experience.


Stressed 32

Thnk you so much for that it has really calmed me down. It so helpfull to read the stuff you wrote.

I does seem that everything lead to hiv on the internet.

I have had fbc done just last month at my own request really because the dr was happy with all the others I have had. They also checked my liver and kidney function to and said they were all fine and my CRP end ESR which were normal. Dr said my white cells were a little high conistant with a cold or cough and i did have one come on a few days after the test. I asked him to do the tests to help me calm down about not beleiving the HIV tests and he did . I phoned him and he said he wouldnt be doming anympre testing as results were fine.

I have had lots of colds and things over the winter and I smoke and has a baby in November and have nothing lingering on other than the symptoms like fibromyalgia which have gotten really bad today and yesterday which is running up to period. So it seems that my immune system is okay.

I just hate this anxiety its totally all consuming

thanks again


31-03-09, 17:04
hi lisa,

please dont worry, you really DO NOT have hiv theres no way the tests wouldbe negative.

i know how you are feeling as i had this worry a fews years back due to some stupid drunken mistakes at uni!!

i got myself in such a state ended up being put on anti ds the doc refused to send me for a test so went and got one myself in the end guess what .... negative and have had two more since as had two children both negative!!

please dont worry you re fine xxx

01-04-09, 10:11
Thanks worriedem

Anxiety is awfull. Its like there is no end to the fear when I feel like this. I really appreciate your reply

