View Full Version : afternoonie!

31-03-09, 14:10
Hello everyone

My name is Claire im 31 and my doc has told me im suffering from anxiety....i dont believe him! lol

despite all of my trying over the last couple of weeks i still think i have heart problems and keep thinking im gonna die in my sleep.

Never suffered from anxiety problems before although i have always worried about stuff and have always been a bit of a stress head! this is all very new to me.

Anyway just a quick hello to you all ...now im off to read through your forums!

31-03-09, 14:26
Hello Claire

I have been suffering with anxiety for last 7 months. Even after many visits to docs and hospital and all tests I have done are clear, I am still not convinced when my doc says I have anxiety! Especially when you get such physical symptoms but he 'reassures' me thats all it is. They make it sound very simple. I have always been a worrying, you name it I have worried about it. From things like did I switch my straigthners off (which would worry me all day) to I have a pain in my leg this must mean I have a blood clot! Now I am thinking this constant worrying as now caught up with me and have the symptoms. I also have the constant worry that will die in my sleep and sometimes think right this is it. When say it out loud sounds stupid but at time think its real.
Anyway I am going for CBT next week as think it is going to help me to talk to someone about why this is happening as I have no idea. I will let you know how this goes as may be something worthwhile for u to try.

Anyway I have foiund loads of support since found this sight, knowing you are not alone helps.

Take care
Tink xxx

31-03-09, 20:54
Welcome Claire ,youll find lots of help and support here,& youll make some good friends along the way. Sue:welcome:

31-03-09, 20:57
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support here, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

31-03-09, 21:34
Hi Claire,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

we have a lovely chat room here so when you can do pop in

best wishes

di xx

31-03-09, 23:17
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


01-04-09, 01:49
Hi Claire,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


01-04-09, 03:57
the last couple of weeks you thought you would die in your sleep
but you never did you ,its just your mind and your get better you see

01-04-09, 08:55
I suffer with this too. Makes yo feel like you are going crazy. I have got alot better since i joined this site. Challenging myself each day to do new tasks etc. I haver suffered with really bad dizzyness and feeling faint do you suffer with these. Be good to hear about your symptoms
amz x x

01-04-09, 13:48
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!:)

im hoping that this site will help me, im sure it will as you all seem so friendly and helpful!

Amz funnily enough this is what is worrying me more than anything at the mo, im dizzy even when im not stressed or uptight! i could be sat down totally chilled yet im dizzy, its horrible, this has been going on now for 2 weeks.

Im also been having chest pains and palpitations ( although palps are less now im taking beta blocker) and had issues with my breathing, although i seemed to have sorted that symptom whilst im walking to work and lying in bed. I still get overly breathless though when i try to use the crosstrainer at the gym, i cant seem to push myself like i did a couple of weeks ago.I had a week off gym when symptoms started but it feels like im totally unfit, my chest goes tight after a couple of minutes and i have to stop.

i had a n ECG at the hospital on 16/3 along with blood tests and blood pressure tests and they said all was fine. Doc has also seen me since then. But i am still worried it may be my heart!:wacko:

Im actually not feeling too bad today, apart from dizziness, quite calm and chilled, but if i get to the gym later and feel my chest and breathing suffer i expect i shall be feeling negative again.

I just dont get it, i felt fine a few months ago and then gradually, palps started, then got worse and worse and then i worried about it and i started to get pains aand stuff.....and here i am!:unsure:


01-04-09, 17:52
I get the dizziness too. Thats the only sympton now along with fast pulse and blotching skin ( hot flashes etc)
I just cant beleive that this is anxiety but deep down i know it is.
I have been fine all day exept for the dizziness. mine seems to be getting worse in the evenings for some reason. i have alot of headaches etc...
I have been seeing a hypnotist now and feel like a completly different person. 4 weeks ago i thought i was dying.. convinced of a brain tumor... cancer... etc.... wouldnt go out the door etc but now im getting on with things and kind of living with this dizziness.
Its horrible though... Do you feel faint. i feel like im going to collapse at any moment BUT NEVER DO!!! and feel like i rock back and forth (only sometimes)
Private message em if ud like to go into more detail etx
chin up
amz x x