View Full Version : would u be less worried??

31-03-09, 16:29
hi everyone,

me again with all my bowel issues :(

got my referral apt in a week and the dread of it is making me feel ill!

anyway been on gtn cream for anal fissure for 3 weeks, first week just spots of blood,one day of a blob then second wk just blood once then so far no blood for 8 days and no sharp feeling when going to the loo everyone keeps saying to me doesnt that tell you its a fissure previous to this i was having bloox everyday! however.... i just am riddled with thoughts of bowel cancer as have had a few occasions of strange v painful stomach cramps which the doc seems convinced are not related to the bleeding also for the past couple of weeks my stools have been v loose altho stopped lactulose now and not quite so bad.

one more thing is my stools are quite dark brown at the moment so am worrying it could old blood://

sorry for the long post just feel so paniced and terrified at the moment :(

31-03-09, 17:21
Hi if it was old blood you stools would be really black not brown x x x

31-03-09, 19:11
I too am very worried about bowel cancer at the moment i am waiting for a sigmoidoscopy as i have had piles for over a year that havn't been painful for the lst 8-9 weeks as my stools have been v v loose and alot smaller and thinner than they used to be, they also vary in colour sometimes a sand colour very light, then a brown normal colour. like this morning i went as soon as i got up and they were very light, 2 hours later i went again and they were normal colour. please don't stess about your referal appointment it will make you worse as it did me. The day of my appointment it was an hour late and in that hour i worked myself up so much i got a big blood bubble in my mouth, which scared me as i thought imagine what all the other anxiety stress is doing to my boody!

31-03-09, 19:21
hope u get ur apt thru soon, wat did they do at the first apt?i have been sent some supppsitories to put up there in preparation :// !!

have u tried adding fibre to your diet when i was taking two fibre drinks a day my stools were v well formed but large which i think made the fissure worse so bit scared to take them at moment incase i reopen it!

i just have this awful feeling they are going to say they can see a tumour even tho bleeding does seem to be controlled by cream there seems to be other symtoms like the loose stools, cramps and v funny noises and feelings in my anus/ rectum which make me think theres noway this can nothing! :(

31-03-09, 19:31
I also have those strange noises and feelings! i asked the surgeon if when they normally carry out the sigmoidoscopy they find nothing and his reply was "all the time" when they have my symptoms. i have lost 8 stone in 2 years and im worried this may have damaged my insides some how but i too have the fear that they will find something more but i just try to keep calm by reminding myself of my age and no family history of any cancer.

At my first appoint he just looked at my piles and looked through a scope which he put up my bum it was a 15 minute appoint and i over stressed about it:)

31-03-09, 19:51
what are your symtoms?? im sure you ll be fine my docs only referred me cos i kept going back, i just dont understand how bleeding for this long doesnt seem to concern them!

31-03-09, 20:35
Hey, just thought id say, iv been worried about bowel things for some time now..

The funny feeling you;ve described in your rectum/anus, is it kinda like, pains? Cos iv been having this for ages now..and im terried atm, theres some kinda of tumour, cos iv been getting pains in my tailbone, and my stools have kinda been a little looser than usual..but TOUCH WOOD, not diarreahy..but they also looked quite dark brown too. As for bleeding, i noticed a bit of blood on a stool a few weeks ago, and iv had blood on the tissue once or twice..and i currently have pains in my upper abdomenem and im scared its all related:S Iv been to the docs..who refered me to a place that doesn't exist or summat..so im waiitng for them to sort it..but im utterly petrified..like im scared its too late for me, cos iv been having pains for MONTHS seriously:(
Im scared of everything right now, any ache, pain anything..just think its related and that im dying:S

31-03-09, 20:44
ALSO can i just ask, Leah, are your piles internal or external? Iv been clinging onto hopw that the pains im feeling are due to internal piles:S

31-03-09, 21:18
Hi ya yeh my piles are internal, i just have one external pile. I was also only refered at first because ive been back to the doc about the piles about 5-6 times last year. But the day b4 i was refered i started to get loose stools now they are not as loose as they were but they are smaller and thinner than they used to be and different in colour. when i went for my appoint at the hospital the surgeon didn't seem to worried and he said he doesn't expect to find anything wrong ( i pray he's right).
I have never had much blood over the past year with the piles but alot of pain! but last week i had quite alot of blood when i wiped but none since but recently my tailbone has been aching mildly but im trying to put this down to sitting on the computer chair too much!! on this site!! to keep me sane!:winks:

31-03-09, 21:26
no not painful more like vibrating grindy feeling! im prety sure its wind am just worried its being trapped by a growth or something!!

31-03-09, 22:21
Yeah my tailbone TOUCH WOOD is a mild kind of ache too..just irritating really:S Hmm, that kinda gives me some hope as to my pain being internal piles too, the doctor said she thought it was that, but i find it hard to push out the bad thoughts..um, how do they test you for them? Hmm, i think i understand what you mean by the grindy feeling, its like stomach rumbling, but not in the right place, kinda like in the small of your back?

31-03-09, 22:22
All of my problems are Crohns and you could get that but a simple test will show you if you have it or not.

31-03-09, 22:24
Is that backpain too?

31-03-09, 22:30
well i didnt used to have it but i do now - dont think it is related to crohns though.

Think mine is the medication I am on

31-03-09, 22:34
Oh okay, was it more the pain then? or bleeding or summat? I don't wanna google it..google is the enemy:S

01-04-09, 09:09
they use a scope to look inside you to see the internal piles it doesn't hurt at all and it takes about a minute not even that.

01-04-09, 10:28
hi everyone,

me again with all my bowel issues :(

got my referral apt in a week and the dread of it is making me feel ill!

anyway been on gtn cream for anal fissure for 3 weeks, first week just spots of blood,one day of a blob then second wk just blood once then so far no blood for 8 days and no sharp feeling when going to the loo everyone keeps saying to me doesnt that tell you its a fissure previous to this i was having bloox everyday! however.... i just am riddled with thoughts of bowel cancer as have had a few occasions of strange v painful stomach cramps which the doc seems convinced are not related to the bleeding also for the past couple of weeks my stools have been v loose altho stopped lactulose now and not quite so bad.

one more thing is my stools are quite dark brown at the moment so am worrying it could old blood://

sorry for the long post just feel so paniced and terrified at the moment :(

Just read your post. You know, I read your post and I think of other things that would scare me and Im sure evryone takes a different angle on every sign and symptom depending on what they fear the most.

I think the best thing to do is know that bowel cancer happens to folks MUCH older than you and that you dont actually have those symptoms becasue the dr would have seen this straight away and they would leave stuff to chance. I think that the anxiety is telling you there is a problem when there isnt and you are chossing bowel cancer casue it freaks you out. The symptoms you have are there but they arent bowel cancer but you are framing then so in your mind so in reality they really dont matter any where near as much as your anxiety and fear keeps fooling you that they do.
My friend felt like you about her bowel before she , from an outsiders point of view at that time because I didnt have health anxiety then, was obbsessed with her bowel movements and everything conected with her digestion. At the time I thought that she must be in real pain and couldnt beleive that the drs were apparently fobbing her off as she was telling me. During that time she met a new man and then moved to London and guess what? She never mentioned the bowel thing angain and that was 6 years ago. She says now that she feared she had bowel cancer and thats why she fixated so much on her sluggish digestion and piles and it felt like major symptoms. When her attention was so much taken away from her body functions she practically forgot to worry.


01-04-09, 14:08
thanks lisa, i hope you and others are right!

i had alot of aching pain and bleeding about 8 years ago now which never got sorted out so even tho they re long gone now im freaked by bowel stuff this whole fissure thing has been a nightmare for me!

still trying to stay calm and pray to god everyone else is right!!

01-04-09, 17:37
Heya what kinda aching pains did you have? I agree with what lisa said in parts like yesterday I was out shopping and wasn't aware of my back pain, them when I got home and had more time to think about it, it came back, so I can see how that might be the case. My mum also thinks that getting a job and passing my driving test will help me to get over things more, because of reasons lisa mentioned. Maybe you should try setting yourself some things to achieve to, see if it helps x x x x

01-04-09, 18:33
i plan to do that depending in how it goes with the consultant trouble is i started having blood back in november and its a symtom that cant b put down to stress or anxiety whereas i do believe if you are having aches and pains that you are contantly worruing about than it can be made worse!

ALexy i know its hard but i truly think you re fine i think lots of people gave stranfe pains andaches in their rectum and if you can stop focusing on it it will probably go xx

01-04-09, 18:39
oh and mine was a vv heavy ache and burnung in tge centre of my lower back that would come and go and vary in severity, i dont recall having any bowel symtoms at first altho i knew it was coming from inside it eventually got really bad and i think altho never diagnosed gave me a short bougt of colitus as i had blood in the loo and diarreah for about a week after that never had blood or diarreah again but still the pain which occured less as time went on until i never really got it anymore x

01-04-09, 19:48
I have had blood too, started ages ago just once on a tissue the doctor said it was a fissure, at this point in time I didn't have major health anxiety so didn't focus too much on it. . Then I got the blood on tissue again and put it down to the same thing. More recently I noticed blood on a stool and went cal to the doctor and got told it could be internal piles. And there really aren't normal pains, they are servere and cause me to have to stop what im doing most times. These rectal pains along with my tailbone ache make me very anxious. You mentioned you got pains wear ago,what kind were they? X

01-04-09, 20:07
there is a condition that causes severe rectal pain its a totally benign harmless condition and nothing to worry about begins with p but i cant remember the full name of it!

The blood i had years ago was a lot more than on the tissue like it is now it turned the toilet water deep red!!Thats why i am so worried about anything to do with my bowel, i dont really get the pain anymore occsionally i will ache in my lower back after a bowel movement but this is vvv occasional.

I have also had blood on the tissue in the past that has gone as quickly as it has come but thi has persisted for the best part of 5 months everyday at some points:( doctors have examined me and say fissure but i am not so sure x