View Full Version : please help!!!! so breathless

31-03-09, 17:42
I have been CONSTANTLY breathless for around 6months now all the drs say its anxiety,imnot so sure i think they are missing something, i feel like im not fully inflating my lungs, it scares the pants of me!!! I have tried deep abdominal breathing and even the linden method nothing works!!!!! i also have ectopic heartbeats and i keep thinking the 2 are related and im gonna die!!! i have NO energy and i get tired really easily,does anyone understand where im coming from??? xxx:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

31-03-09, 18:43
i defiantly understand i get this most days ,its horrible and so hard to belive its anxiety, last night had weirdest sensations in my chest aswell which scared the hell out of me, im also tired all time as get no sleep what soever hope you feel better soon

01-04-09, 15:45
its relly getting medown im so worried its my heart causing it

01-04-09, 17:16
Sorry that you feel this way, i have had this for a long while too.

I had it constantly too but lately i have days when its totaly gone.
In my case it was due to anxiety and i am sure its the same for you.
The problem is that we get more and more scared about it the longer and more intensed it gets.
"Try to relax" the doctors say, yeah sure, its not easy but in time it will ease up for you too.
Do the best you can relaxing, i wont disapear at once but it will get better after a while.

01-04-09, 17:57
thanks i will try my best...