View Full Version : Follow up appointment tomorrow...sick with worry.

31-03-09, 19:42
Hi All

I have my follow up appointment tomorrow with my Consultant, following a bunch of xrays, ct scans, biopsy and PET scan.
I am sick to my stomach with worry and would appreciate ANY advice to help me deal with this.
I had almost been hoping that I would have heard from her before today, and am sure she must have all my results by now. I cannot help thinking that this must be not great news for me.

Any words of wisdom?

Pegs X

31-03-09, 19:50
The fact that you didn't hear from her before now is a good sign that it's not particularly urgent petal but I understand how frightning waiting for results are.. I am in this certain position on my own.

That's not really advice sorry but I hope you get some sort of comfort form it love

Pm if you need to

Amy xxxxxx

31-03-09, 19:53
hi peggys
i replied to your last post and hopefully you will get the good news of all clear.
As i said from the first day my dad was xrayed he was in next day getting told they had spotted something and was told almost same day they suspected cancer .With your time limit and all the info you have gave us im postive they cant be to concerned but wanted it all checked out to make sure.
Im sure tnt will be a hell of a wait and worrying but think of tomoz as getting it all out in open and better than waiting another month with anxiety building up and up
good luck tomoz and let us know the GOOD NEWS

31-03-09, 19:58
Just think, this time tomorrow all your stress and worry will probably be over :)

I think they'd have contacted you if they found anything that needed to be discussed urgently. It would be negligent of them to keep you sitting there for days if they'd found something sinister.

31-03-09, 20:03
Hi Pegs,

Think a follow up appointment is standard after those kind of tests. Do you remember I told you I had an MRI and was really scared? I was also given a follow up and spent seven days panicking about it.... waiting for a phone call in between etc. anyway, got myself to the follow up - in major panic mode - to be told that the results were normal.... asked my ENT man what would have happened if an urgent result had been found - he told me that I would have been called by either him or the radiologist.... straight away.

Let us know how it goes - but am sure it will be ok. Thinking of you.

31-03-09, 20:28
Hello Peggy,

I don't have any words of wisdom, but I want you to know I am thinking about you, and wish you all the best for tomorrow. Please take comfort from knowing that Finny's dad was seen urgently and Bex had also been told that if anything urgent needed to be dealt with she would have been phoned straight away.:hugs:

31-03-09, 20:31
Awwww pegs - you must be sooo worried and i don't think anything will take that away until you see your consultant. But there are a few things you could bare in mind.

1) You are not ill. You have no symptoms - all these tests were carried out because of some freaky coincidence - NOT because you were showing signs of illness. Lung cancer - certainly the dangerous advanced kind - does cause many symtoms.

2)You have been having a whole host of tests spanning a couple of months. Like Finny said, lung cancer is usually obvious on any one of those tests and diagnosed quickly. So nothing obvious can be showing up. It is likely they just saw a bit of scar tissue on your CT scan....... but they are double checking with other tests, just to be thorough. It's like when I had a biopsy on a benign breast fibroadenoma a year ago, they went on to give me a mammogram and an ultrasound just to 'dot the i's', and make sure there was nothing else going on in my boobs. it was just procedure. I'm sure they are doing the same thing with your PET scan and blood tests etc.

3)If you did have cancer I'm quite certain the consultant wouldn't sit on the results waiting for your scheduled appointment. Like Bex said, they would have contacted you asap to book you in for treatment. This, I reckon, is the biggest indicator of your results.

4)Lung cancer is very very rare in anyone under 50.

Good luck though, we'll all be thinking of you. Let us know how you get on!

31-03-09, 20:52
Thank you, everyone for your sensible words!
I know what you are saying makes sense, but it's been going on for so long I cannot help myself for imagining the worst.
Also, while I was in hospital on 12th for a biopsy, I looked in my file and saw a letter to my GP about 'Possible upper right lobe lung cancer', and I read no further but slammed the file shut. This was dated after the ct scan but before the biopsy. Then of course I had the PET scan last week and tried soooo hard to read the up-side down notes. She had told me even before the biopsy that I was going for PET scan but I still sh@ myself.
This is so awful....I hope no-one EVER has to feel this way.

Will keep you posted....

Pegs X

31-03-09, 21:05
Hey pegs - of course the letter said that..... They saw something on your CT scan (probably scar tissue)..... and that's why they were doing the biopsy: to rule out cancer - it doesn't mean it's likely that it is cancer. ANY weird thing on a lung CT scan is 'possible' cancer until a biopsy has ruled it out. BUT possible cancer isn't actual cancer and you really would have heard by now if they'd found something sinister.
Anyway - a glass of wine and a magazine and a good night's sleep. It's only one more night to get through before you know for sure.

01-04-09, 12:49
Thinking of you Pegs xx

Trish xx

01-04-09, 13:16
Hope today goes well Pegs. Let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you.

01-04-09, 16:43
Hey pegs - thinking of you. Let us know how you got on today. We have everything crossed!!

01-04-09, 17:01
Just to say hope you ok. I know how worrying waiting for test results can be xx

01-04-09, 17:10
How did it go? Hope it went ok.

01-04-09, 18:46
i hope alls well peggy xx

Laura xx
01-04-09, 20:11
Hi Peggy, I hope all went well today. I know how worried you have been. Please let us know how you got on x

01-04-09, 21:46
Hi Guys

Thank you all so very, very much for your good wishes!

I posted a new thread this evening briefly filling you in....

Pegs X