View Full Version : panic attack without HA symptoms first - PLEASE HELP

31-03-09, 20:03
I am a long time sufferer of HA. I have had several small panic attacks in the past but they all were during times when my HA was really bad. They seemed to be the result of extreme worry not the the original cause.They also seemed to come after several days or weeks of constant worry. I am currently not having my usual strong symtpoms of obsesively searching the internet and taking my vital signs over a longer perioed but I appear to be having several small panic attacks over the last few days. I am beginning to freak out a bit since I have never had these feelings of palpitations, shakiness in hands and an overall feeling of jitteriness without the long term constant worry preceding them. My mind is starting to race and think I must be having a heart attack or diabetes or something else nefarious. Anyone want to give me some of there experiences. Anything at all will help.

31-03-09, 20:41
Hey J2,

What is happening to you is completely normal, I can assure you about that.
Anxiety symptoms are not always related to the actual worry, you can get panic attacks and different sensations and symptoms when otherwise you are feeling ok and there is nothing in your life currently that would trigger your anxiety. Or at least it SEEMS that there is nothing in your life, because I think the truth is that there is, even if subconsciously - something that you are not necessarily worrying about in the classic meaning of this word, but something that you are unhappy about, unsatisfied with, etc, etc.
As for me to be honest my anxiety symptoms were always the worst when I thought everything was fine in my life and I didn't have to deal with any REAL problem.
It was just as though as it felt like my mind makes up something just for me to have panic attacks and anxiety because otherwise I would get bored or something... :doh: I know it sounds silly but that's how it feels.

So don't worry, you are completely ok, there is nothing unusual in what is going on with you and you are certainly NOT having a heart attack.

I hope it helps a bit, take care,