View Full Version : back pain grrrrrrrr

miss motown
31-03-09, 20:08
ok ive been posting about this pain for sometime now but its really starting to freak me out,tonight the pain has gone from the top of my back and is now goin round to my rib cage and running down to the bottom of my back all over grrrrrrr its starting to feel really hot aswell,ive had this cough for sometime aswell and every now and againe ill burn up then go really cold i went for xrays last wk and waiting on the results ive took time off work because the whole thing is freaking me out i try and relax because i no im very tense and im not makin the pain any easier has anybody else had simular symptoms my hubby reckons i have chest infection but i think the worse ive had antibiotics oopsss i didnt finesh the course i had 2days left but silly me didnt take them because i didnt think they were doin there job after 5days

01-04-09, 16:24
Hi Miss Motown,

It's possible that if you didn't finish the course of treatment the infection came back. You can make infections resistant to medication if this happens -- you should always finish a course of treatment. There endeth the lecture ;)

I wouldn't worry, you probably just have an infection and the x-rays will more than likely come back clean. If you are scared, please see your doctor as soon as possible so he or she can reassure you and explain the situation.

From the way you describe it, your pain sounds muscular, and could be due to bad posture or a broken or uncomfortable mattress. You could have pulled a muscle. That can be really painful but is not serious and it will mend itself after a few weeks.

06-04-09, 21:25
Dear Miss Mowtown,
I had virtually the same symptoms for over a month and I started to think all sorts, I was diagnosed with Thorasic Spine Syndrome, I was recommended to go and see a Physiotherpist which I did and she did wonders for me she also gave me accupuncture and a list of gentle excercises to do, I also try and swim every day which also helps.
I know you are probably so fed up and just want to feel normal again but try and not let it consume you as I did and then ended up with very bad anxiety problems.
I hope this is of some help to you and that you start feeling better very

Take Care