View Full Version : help me please! I need some positive reassurement!

31-03-09, 20:18
Dear All,

I have not been active on the site for a few weeks. I have been really well. Bought the marvelous Claire Weekes book which I am in the process of reading. She makes so much sense & I am ever grateful to NMP for making these books accessable. I have started workng on my anxiety as she suggests. I even took a 1 & half hour drive from home to friends although the last time I visisted them I had experienced the mother of all PA'S & had 3 PA'S on the trip home. So I faced this trigger which I was obviously sensitised to and I was FINE, NO panic despite feeling a little anxious.

Sadly on Sunday I had a PA in church, I did not rush outside, I stayed in the pew, faced the feeling & tried to "relax". This morning I had another PA & then one this evening again. I am really trying to use what I have learnt from Dr Weekes' book but I feel so vulnerable , I am not sure why I am having attacks now, not sure what the trigger is & then I begin to doubt whether they are PA'S or whether I have an underlying heart problem.

I apologise for this long post but I really need a little TLC right now.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

31-03-09, 20:44

I imagine you're having attacks because whilst you're reading the Claire Weekes book, you are still thinking about your anxiety. I'm in exactly the same position as you - I've had a really good couple of weeks feeling very positive about things and able to rationlise aches and pains etc, but then yesterday I was really dizzy for most of the day and I started worrying again! I've also started reading a self-help book, and the intention is to make you think about things and hopefully identify triggers in the future to help you deal with them and stop them in their tracks. This obviously isn't going to happen over night, changing your behaviour can take a while and you have to perservere, so my advice would be to stick with the reading and try some relaxation techniques after you have read a chapter or two.

Stay positive, there is no underlying heart problem, it's just the anxiety rearing it's ugly head again.

31-03-09, 20:44
First of all well done on being so brave. I think also its a great book that does help. You have had a few setbacks but that happens i get them all the time good days bad days guess its just the nature of the beast. I think we all feel vulnerable and very alone when we have the PA . I think you are doing all the right things and this forum is a big help when you need a chat

31-03-09, 21:05
Thanx for he reassurance & support - much needed. I did not think about the fact that reading the book can obviously aggravate anxiety even though it is subliminal. I will definitely continue reading the book. Yes, I am struggling to always identify the triggers. There are some situations I know I am sensitised to but I am missing a few that my body is aware of. All very interesting, albeit scary for me. I think that this forum is wonderful, full of folk who understand how I feel.
I look forward to more comments, advice please.xxxx