View Full Version : Problem with citalopram

31-03-09, 20:58
Sorry everyone this is a long one, but hopefully someone can help...
about a month ago I started to feel physically unwell- shaking , feeling sick etc. Now 6 years ago I had severe anxiety/depression while studying for my finals at university.
Like many who have suffered from this in the past, I was petrified that it was coming back so I decided to nip it in the bud and have some citalopram (having not taken any for 3 years). I started on 30mg which is a high dose to kick off with but was so concerned it was coming back.
Anyway, I went to the docs a few days later and wasnt feeling especially anxious, but still not feeling 100%. He examined me and thankfully said it wasnt stress but gastritis. Iwas ssooo relieved and mentioned that I had taken a few days medication of citalopram in case it was worst case scenario of stress having come back. He advised me to come off immediately but I knew I should taper slowly, so I cut down to 20mg for the next 2 days and then 10mg for the two after that. So all in all I was on for about 10/12 days.
I have been off them now for 2 weeks exactly. The problem is after the docs I got the FULL side effects of the citalopram (hot/cold fever, weird and crazy thoughts, lack of sleep, no apetite etc).
I wasnt particularly worried because I put this down to the fact I had come on quite a high dose of citalop[ram and then quickly come off (both of which are quite lethal). However, after 2 weeks, things are only marginally better, im not depressed and the weird thoughts are lower, but I still feel like a zombie and am very anxious at times!!!
Shouldnt this have stopped by now?
Again, sorry for the lenght of the post. but nothing i could really cut back on!!!

01-04-09, 15:19
i think you made the mistake of self medicating -my advice too you is go and see a friendly gp and tell him everything you have wrote down these tablets are very poerful and i think they probaly are out of your system now but its best too get checked over by a proffessional