View Full Version : Freaking out

barracuda girl
31-03-09, 22:56
Totally health anxious person here - in the last week have had ovarian and breast cancer as well as a brain tumour and skin cancer.:blush:
Today I was forced to break into a run - and I am not exactly fit - but after the run I had a stabbing pain in my heart area (left side underneath collar bone at top of breast) for a few seconds. Really winded me.
Last year I was very worried about my hear had an ECG and blood pressure monitored for 24 hours - all normal , cholsterol is good too. I will go see my doc tomorrw but I am freaking out about what the cause of this pain :ohmy: will be!

31-03-09, 23:37
We've all been there. It is wicked isn't it.

barracuda girl
03-04-09, 16:17
Well I had my docs appt - she does not think that there is anything seriously wrong with my heart as I do not have any risk factors, the symptoms were not really consistent with the worries I had - and the ecgs I have had were all fine. My bloodpressure is that of a 25 year old (:D I am 40+ ) !
She listened to my heart and said that there was nothing untoward she could hear - ie murmurs or valve probs.
She said as I was so worried that she would refer me for a heart scan - for my reassurance rather than her feeling that there would be something wrong. I have an appt middle April .

Still can't help worrying though - I often feel weird - a sort of groggy feeling that I think stems from my heart . I am also worried that two chest xrays I have had in the past (for chest infections ) said that I had a mildly enlarged heart . At the time my doc said she wasn't worried that I was only slightly over the normal range and that it was based on a heart to chest cavity ratio and might just mean that I have a small chest. Also , the measurements were three years apart and had not changed at all so she said that was reassuring as well that it was just "me" and not a sign of something bad. Plus my ECGS didn't show an enlarged heart.
So why I am still so worried ? :weep:
Anyone have any words of wisedom - anyone had heart investigations that turned out ok /something minor?

barracuda girl
09-04-09, 18:19
Noone is responding :scared15: must be serious then

09-04-09, 18:48
Noone is responding :scared15: must be serious then

Well obviously your doesn't think so and she knows more than we do.