View Full Version : Hi everyone - nice to meet you!

07-08-05, 20:11
Hi everybody,

I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for many years now (I remember having my first panic attack when I was about 10, and I'm 30 now!!) Over the years, the attacks have progressed from 'minor symptoms' such as hyperventilating and pins and needles, to the now more major ones like having to shut myself away from anyone or anything because I can't deal with any outside influences at all, what is known in our house as jigging (the adrenalin means that I can't keep my legs still), and at ir's most severe a really horrible 'hot flush', followed by the pleasant experience of puking everywhere! Nice!!:)

I have been on various concoctions of drugs, as hte psychiatrist I was sent to a few years ago diagnosed my problem as the old 'chemical imbalance', because there really is nothing that triggers it (it can even happen when I'm asleep):( I was originally prescribed Citalopram, and then given Venlafaxine (75mg), along with Beta Blockers. These do help, but obviously don't solve the problem. Things were exascerbated a couple of years ago when my younger brother died very suddenly, but again the drugs kind of masked things a little there I think.

At this point in time, I don't feel like me half the time and I have severe problems going out socially (I've lost most of my friends because, quite understandably, they think I'm just being stupid and think I need to pull myself together. Others think I just don't like them anymore[V]). I don't seem to struggle at work though which is wierd.

My poor boyfriend has had to put up with so much, and while he is very gentle with me, he gets so frustrated when I won't go shopping with him, or go out for a drink. Who can blame him?

Anyway, I'm really pleased I've found you guys - it's going to be nice to be able to talk to people who really understand what I'm on about!:D

07-08-05, 20:22
Welcome aboard Caramel!! :)

I hope we can offer you some good support here. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

07-08-05, 20:24
A big warm welcome, Caramel
You will get plenty of help and support here, I know I have

Take care

Barb xxx

07-08-05, 20:52
Hi Caramel

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-08-05, 22:25

Welcome to the site.. Glad you've found a place to come to where we will relate

**known in our house as jigging** what kind of exercise have you tried in order to work this adrenaline out of your system quicker than being reabsorbed.

**I don't seem to struggle at work though which is wierd. ** Glad it doesn't affcet you at work , What work do you do ?

You've checked all the usual stimulants, sugar balance, Vit B etc over the years I'm sure.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-08-05, 23:42
Hi Caramel

A big warm welcome tp you.

It seems like we are both on the same lot of drugs. How long have you been on them?


08-08-05, 02:39
Hello Caramel,

Glad that you have joined the site. Lots of good people with sound advice are here to help.


08-08-05, 08:28
You guys are really lovely - it helps just knowing there are others out there like me! It can get a bit lonely thinking you're the only person who feels like this - I don't know anyone that can understand.

Meg - I once went for counselling (a lovely lady), and she suggested running up and down the stairs when the adrenaline started. So, I tried it (I'll try anything!), but the trouble is, by the time I get to that point, I'm usually needing to just shut myself away. Sometimes it can help to run about, sometimes it can't.

I'm actually a primary school teacher - having 30 kids around you constantly can take your mind off anything!!!!!!!!:D

Mandie - I've been on the Venlafaxine and Beta Blockers for about 2-3 years, maybe a little more. I'd love to be a drug-free zone, but I don't think it's time just yet. How about you?


08-08-05, 09:02
Hi and welcome to the forum, I too work with children and I have managed to stay at work for over a year now since being diagnosed, Ive had odd times off, mornings, couple days but no long term altho I do think the regular holidys have helped, and I agree it is the children that help, also I have wonderful support at work.
I also have the same problems as you going out socially etc, sometimes I cant even go into shops.
The one thing I will say is can you talk to these people , a friend of mine took a few steps back because , I found out later she thought she had upset me or I didnt like her, this made me feel quite awful really but at that stage I was just concentrating on getting through another day.
The close friends realise Im struggling and ask,
Anyway just wanted to say welcome, and no you r not alone, Love Alexis,xx

08-08-05, 10:52
hi caramel:D
welcome to the site,
we all know how hard it is for us as well as hubbys boyfriends etc, my pa/anxiety has put loads of strain on my partner as i seem to take everything out on him as i feels so frustrated inside.
but there is loads of help and advice on the site and since i joined last month i feel i have come on loads, and you can do the same just read as much as you can and share anything you can its a great way to recovery
take care
michelle xxx

08-08-05, 10:53
Hi Caramel
Welcome to the site.
I've just joined too and have found it really useful. It is such a relief to find people who suffer in simliar ways. I've had anxiety attacks for about 20 yearrs. It drives me mad. Like you, alot of my friends are tired with me and don't really understand. You describe the symptoms so so well. I had counselling, but I don't think the counsellor really understood and though I learnt abit the anxiety is still there.
It is nice to have people that understand, I've found the information on here so useful and sometimes it helps just to write to down.


08-08-05, 11:51
Hi Caramel a BIG warm welcome to the site hun. I do hope it helps you.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

08-08-05, 11:57
Welcome, everyone is so friendly here, you'll get alot of support from everyone.

08-08-05, 14:08
Hi Caramel

Glad you are doing ok and are finding it helpful to be able to relate to others.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-08-05, 14:28
Hi Caramel,

Welcome to the site - hope to see you in the chatroom sometime.

Piglet is jealous of Caramels name as it sounds yummy

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-08-05, 15:06
Piglet, you just made me really giggle![:P] I chose it because I was eating caramel digestives at the time!

08-08-05, 15:52
Hi Caramel

So glad you found us - I've been here six months now and its has helped me loads - in understanding, comfort and friendship.

I really do understand how difficult it is to convey the feelings to others - not helped by the mixed up feelings we have ourselves!

So, tell me, can you still buy Caramel chocolate bars, or am I just getting old? :D


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

08-08-05, 16:33
Perhaps I could be called Piglet Caramel (like a surname)!!!!

Ray - the caramel choc bar you are thinking of was called 'Caramac'.

piglet ate a whole caramac easter egg in one go once - she never did it again!!

Love Pig

08-08-05, 18:56
Oh god yeah - caramac is the most sickly thing EVER!!![xx(]

Hi Ray - you're not getting old!!!! Caramel chocolate bars will never die! (I hope!);)

08-08-05, 20:04
Hi Caramel

Just wanted to welcome you aboard the forum and I hope that we can be of some help to you on here.

Good to see you join us.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"