View Full Version : Confused

31-03-09, 23:40
I know it's going to just be me being stupid but I want to get this said because it's really bothering me.
I was working this evening and was having a really good productive evening. I then went to speak to my superviser about an issue that had occured over the shift, nothing particularly important and the situation was sorted out. From then on I just got really panicky and kept going over the conversation in my head over and over and now I am convinced that I've really offended her and that the moment I left the room she will have been saying how annoying I was and why did I have the cheek to go in there and say that etc.
The truth is I'm really worried that I won't be able to keep this job. It's the first real job I've had and I've been there 7 months and I am so scared that at any moment people there will realise that I am actually really stupid and not worth them keeping there and I just feel confused at the moment.
Sorry for this being a long post, I seem to get more panicked and dwell on it more in the evenings when things go round and round my head.
I'm also sorry for posting this in the first place. I haven't yet built up the courage to reply to other people's posts as I'm scared I'll not be of any help and I'm apprehensive about posting this now incase you all realise how weird I am and how annoying for moaning when I should be so happy with everything I have in life...

31-03-09, 23:49
I wish I hadn't written all that now, I just sound pathetic and whiny. I'm going to have to sign out now, I don't think panic attacks and the internet go well for me, I'll just keep on posting weird things...

31-03-09, 23:53
Hiya.If it helps to talk,keep posting.You dont have to answer posts.

01-04-09, 01:42
As Mick says, Never feel bad for posting about something that's really bothering you. There will always be people here who will understand how you're feeling.:hugs:

I'm really worried that I won't be able to keep this job.
It's the first real job I've had

You feel you have alot to lose so this thought will be causing you to feel under pressure to keep your job so in your mind you're creating alot of stress for yourself.

I seem to get more panicked and dwell on it more in the evenings when things go round and round my head.

You probably lack confidence in your own abilities and also have a low self esteem which creates alot of self doubt causing you to worry alot.

I am convinced that I've really offended her
she will have been saying how annoying I was and why did I have the cheek to go in there and say that etc.
I am actually really stupid and not worth them keeping there
you all realise how weird I am and how annoying for moaning

When you add all the above, your mind then makes you "think for other people" because the pressure you're feeling starts making you think they think what you think of Yourself.

Try to remind yourself that you have been there 7 months, no one has actually said anything bad about you and no one even thinks these bad things about you........other than You! Therefore in reality, the Only person who thinks bad things about you......is YOU.........but if you asked your boss how she thinks you're doing, I would bet you that she's thinking None of these bad things about you and that she most probably thinks you're doing a Wonderful job.

If you want to prove me wrong, try asking her how she thinks you're doing and I bet I'll be the one who's proved right!:winks: :hugs:

One other tip about the working environment, If ever in the future you're criticised, Never take it as a poor reflection on yourself unless you know the person to be wrong but instead accept it as advice on something you can improve on. None of us can be Perfect All of the time because we're Only human so don't seek perfection in everything you do or you'll make yourself even more stressed.

However, in this case I bet your boss is thinking you showed initiative by bringing this issue to her attention and that you're doing a Good job or else by now she would have Already told you otherwise.:winks:

Hope to see you posting more to let us know you're getting on.:hugs: :winks:

01-04-09, 14:36
Hiya Orange, hang in there. You are not whining or being silly & you have every right to verbalise yourt concerns - that is the reason this website exists! Try to instill more postive self-speak, you are a worthwhile person, you have the job bc your employer knows how valuable you are to the company! Panic & anxiety is a frustrating condition as it tends to rear it's head when we least expect it.
