View Full Version : hi

01-04-09, 00:13
about 2 years ago i lost my son to a cot death, i suffered chronic panic attacks at night id start to fall asleep and feel like i was stopping breathing and wake. i survived on about 2 or 3 hours sleep a night for nearly a year. i also had an obsesion that i wasn't going to wake in the morning wouldnt see christmas etc my dr was a complete waste of time, all this time i was convinced that i was going to develop cancer in one form or another

now life has moved on and i have a 1 year old little girl which is great as it gave me something to focus on and still does but i have found myself slipping back to obsessing over the slightest headache or cough or ache thinking it is a tumor of one form or another

i am very fit and healthy dont smoke etc but cant get these irrational thoughts out of my head

i still get deppressed over my son always expect bad days tho sometimes feel i need a complete breakdown or to hit rock bottom before i can really recover dont know if that makes sense :wacko:

01-04-09, 02:18

Welcome to NMP. I would like to offer my condolences for your loss. You have had a lot to cope with and if you did not get counseling perhaps it would help. I can never imagine would you felt or still must be feeling to this day and you could have post traumatic stress disorder. From what you describe it also sounds like you could also be suffering from health anxiety but I'm no doctor. If I were you I would go to your GP, tell him how you are feeling and try and get some counseling. Your life can be better than this and you can feel better.

Many here will give you support and you will make friends. The chatroom is a great place to do both and from five days of your enrollment date you will be able to go in there. I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


01-04-09, 08:42
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, firstly im sorry for your loss, not an easy thing to have went through, but you will get a lot of help and support on here that can really help you deal with the anxiety. Maybe your obsessing over your health because you are worried about leaving your daughter in some way, not an unusual fear, one that i suffer from as well which is a cause of me stressing over my health? Stress and worry can manifest itself in many different ways, I would go to the doctor and explain to him how your feeling.
Lastly the chatroom is very good especially if you need to speak to someone there and then, there are always folks in there to help,even just to take your mind of things for an hour, take care xx

02-04-09, 19:21
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

02-04-09, 20:03

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your little boy. As a parent, i can't even begin to imagine how difficult life must have been for you.

NMP is a lovely place to meet people in similar circumstances to yourself.
